The spleen and stomach have a good color daily maintenance good fast away

Do not eat breakfast, lunch and eat, dinner eat; love to drink iced drinks, eat pickled food; every day sedentary little move, the pressure to anxiety when ... ... which there is no shadow of your life now more and more The better, the spleen and stomach are getting worse. In Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach is a healthy "root", if the spleen and stomach function is not good, it will cause a lot of disease. How to determine the spleen and stomach is healthy? How to keep the daily life of the spleen and stomach?

 Nursed back to the spleen and stomach a few recipes must be treasured
The body is good or bad
Although the spleen and stomach are two independent organs, but their relationship is extremely close. For example, the stomach is like a granary, the spleen is the transport company. We eat the food first by the stomach preliminary grinding, digestion, and then by the spleen to digest again, take the essence to the dregs, the food nutrients transported to the body.

The reason why the spleen and stomach is called "the day after tomorrow", mainly because the human life activities depends on the spleen and stomach transport of nutrients, is the axis of life and health force. Spleen and stomach problems, not only affect appetite, sleep, emotions, a long time, but also cause organic disease. On the contrary, spleen and stomach health, make the body full of blood to ensure that all organs work in an orderly manner.

Spleen and stomach injuries are affected
Spleen and stomach out of the question, it may be involved in the five internal organs. Chinese medicine has a word, "raising the spleen and stomach is to support vitality, support vitality is to support life", spleen and stomach health is an important factor in determining the length of life.
Heart disease from the spleen and stomach governance
Spleen is responsible for coordinating the blood, feeding the heart. Once the spleen out of the problem, can not Qi Qi blood, it will lead to human distress, causing heart disease.
Liver and spleen and stomach affect each other
After dinner also feel hungry, but the stomach is bulging, eat gastrointestinal drugs do not work. In fact, this is often too much work pressure or bad mood caused by liver qi stagnation, must first raise a good liver to solve the problem of the spleen and stomach.

Spleen and stomach deficiency first affects the lungs
Lung like a "prime minister", specifically to help the heart of the "monarch". The lungs help manage the body through the management of the body's gas. However, the rise and fall of lungs depends on the strength of the spleen and stomach. Spleen and stomach people often lead to lung qi deficiency, susceptible to colds and other respiratory diseases.
Spleen often kidney is also virtual
People's energetic, kidney qi enough. Kidney essence and strength, but also and the spleen and stomach are healthy, can provide adequate nutrition nourish the kidney. Long-term spleen will lead to kidney deficiency, manifested as heart Fanre, easy night sweats, or chills cold, cold hands and feet

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