The way to prevent kidney disease which protect the kidneys do not do eight things

First, the abuse of drugs
If someone asked Xiaobian what the greatest damage to the kidneys, what things most likely to damage the kidneys, Xiao Bian's first reaction is often the abuse of drugs, abuse of drugs in life for the body is very great harm, not only the kidney, serious Or even cause damage to the body organs.

Especially in modern society, although more and more people pay attention to health, but more and more attention to health care products, many people will take health care products to protect the body, in fact, this is a great damage to the kidneys.
We all know that the kidneys have the effect of dialysis, can help us to discharge the excess impurities in the body, but the health care products take more, it will lead to the excretion of kidney impurities in the body of these health care products. Resulting in kidney disease, and even kidney failure of this dangerous symptoms. So in life want to protect the kidney, the drug will be strictly controlled, must not abuse drugs.

Second, a large number of drinks
Drink is a lot of people are like to drink, but a variety of drinks for the kidneys have a lot of damage, do not say people are aware of carbonated drinks, we talk about the common sports drinks, regular intake of sports drinks in life But also will endanger the health of the body.
Because sports drinks tend to be acidic, and the body's pH in the state of health is about 7.2, but a large number of intake of sports drinks will lead to the body's acid-base balance is broken, so that physical health damage. And the kidneys as the body to regulate the internal organs of the liquid is undoubtedly bear the brunt of the.
So in life want to protect the health of the kidneys, it is necessary to control the intake of beverages, the only way to protect the body, reduce the risk of kidney damage.

Third, abuse medicated
Diet is a way for many people to choose to protect your body in your life, but do you think it's really healthy to eat it every day? It's not the case. To know that eating or meddling in your life often leads to good health Suffered serious damage.
Because some drugs if not a good reconciliation, will let the kidneys poisoning this symptom, a long time, the accumulation of a large number of toxins in the kidney, it will lead to kidney damage, and even let the kidney failure of this dangerous situation.
So medicated diet is not every day to eat, we use medicated this thing should have a reasonable control measures, so as to avoid extremes meet, because too much and endure the situation of the kidney. And medicated in life is very common, so we must pay attention, can not eat regularly to prevent damage to the kidney Oh.

Fourth, alcoholism
Drinking the same degree will cause the kidney to suffer serious damage, because drinking will lead to the body's nitrogen balance disorder, so that the body of protein decomposition more, and we all know that the body of protein decomposition is a thing that will hurt the kidneys, so Drinking in life will cause kidney damage.
So we want to protect the health of the kidneys in life, drinking must be done until the point so far, the only way to protect their kidneys, reduce the chance of kidney disease.
In the case of
Five, overeating
Overeating can also cause great harm to the kidneys, even worse than the harm caused by drinking, to know the kidneys have detoxification function, the need for the body of impurities are excreted, so as to protect the health of the body , But the kidney detoxification function is not infinite.
If people often overeating will lead to increased kidney pressure, just like a rubber band, was pulled to the limit rubber band will be broken, the same kidney, the pressure in the kidney to reach the limit, it will lead to kidney Loss, and even lead to kidney failure this dangerous situation, so in life want to protect the kidneys, we must control the appetite, away from the overeating.

Six, taste too heavy
Too much taste often eat salty food will also lead to damage to the health of the kidney, because the kidneys are to regulate the body's body organs, in which the blood is the body's most important body fluids, and taste too heavy as often eat too salty, then Will lead to increased blood pressure, increase the risk of people suffering from high blood pressure.
And high blood pressure for the kidneys is a huge harm, so you want to protect the health of the kidney, for the taste of the diet will refuse, whether too salty or too hot or too sweet are we need to refuse the heavy taste of food.

Seven, often holding back urine
Often holding back urine will bring the most direct damage to the kidneys, and even lead to kidney failure, rupture, etc., to know the capacity of the kidneys is limited, often holding urine pressure on the kidneys is very large, and the urine contains a large number of Of the bacteria, a long time holding back urine can easily lead to pyelonephritis and other diseases.
So in life want to protect the kidney health, it must not often hold back urine, the only way to prevent kidney disease, to avoid kidney damage.

Eight, often stay up all night
Stay up late will not only hurt the brain, heart, stomach, liver and spleen, blood damage to the kidneys is also great, because staying up late will lead to kidney failure is always in the overload of the work, making the kidneys have been running, , In addition to staying up late also easily lead to anemia and other conditions, and these conditions for kidney health have a great harm.

So want to protect the health of the kidney, it should be attached to stay up late, refused to stay up all the only way to protect the body, so that the kidney more healthy.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



