Teach you how to treat you air conditioning every day to enjoy air conditioning

Many one to the summer is easy to have air conditioning disease, then how to treat air conditioning disease? Xiao Bian has for you to organize the relevant information, there is no air conditioning disease you must see, take good care to take care of yourself!

Air conditioning disease: cause of treatment

In the frequent open season of air conditioning, should often open the window ventilation, the best two hours for a time. According to the epidemic prevention department determination, window 10 minutes, you can put a 80 square meters of room air for another time. Smokers should consciously do not smoke in the air-conditioned room. If you have a small break, please be sure to go to the outdoor activities for a while. Where in the air-conditioned room with copiers, printers and other equipment, specialized in such professional people, work should open the windows or install the exhaust fan to ensure that indoor air circulation. In the hot summer months, do not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, you can use the morning and evening when the temperature is relatively low for some outdoor activities.

Air conditioning disease: drug treatment
Once suffering from air conditioning disease, you can take Huoxiangzhengqi water or Huoxiang Qushu capsule treatment, you can also use the newly developed Yiluo benefits gold detoxification tablets or Jin Hongsheng compound melon seeds gold particles treatment. In addition, you can also drink some green bean soup, watermelon Tsui Yi soup for diet.

Diet air conditioning disease
With fresh lotus leaf 100 grams, 30 grams of Agastache (dry goods, fresh Huusiang with tender stems and leaves 50 grams), add 800 ml of water, boil, a small fire and then boil for 20 minutes, filter residue, take liquid about 500 Ml; with this liquid and yi 100 grams of boiled gruel. Sooner or later eat one dose.
In the case of
Chinese medicine treatment of air conditioning disease
1, wind-heat table type
Patients with fever, micro aversion to cold, nasal congestion, runny nose, throat itching, pain, red, dry, for drinking water, cough, sputum, thin white fur, pulse floating number, should choose Xin Liang divergence, light digestible food and Medicated diet.
Sangju Zhejiang shell tea
【Material】 mulberry leaves 100 grams, 50 grams of chrysanthemum, Fritillaria Fritillaria 50 grams.
【Method】 The raw materials for the rough research, with gauze bag, 15 grams per bag, each with a bag, into the cup, with boiling water, frequent drinking.
【Features】 This side also food and medicine, with the wind and heat, the interpretation of the effectiveness of Xuanfei, for fever headache, nasal congestion cough symptoms of air conditioning patients. In the mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum, Shufeng heat, liver eyesight; Zhejiang Fritillaria cough and phlegm, compatibility, can be cool cool spread, will be locked in the body of hot evil drive out of the body, to achieve the purpose of Xuanfei cough.
Soy sauce tofu soup
【Material】 tofu 250 grams, 10 grams of lobster sauce, light blue 15 grams, seasoning amount.
【Method】 first tofu cut into small pieces, add lobster sauce with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then into the light blue, slightly cook a moment, while hot food.
【Features】 This product Xin scattered table, heat Runzao, for fever, thirst, throat and other symptoms of air conditioning patients. Side of the lobster sauce, light blue can be Xin scattered table; tofu cold sweet, can be hot Runzao, the three can be used to disperse the body of the wind and heat evil.

2, cold form card type
Manifested as aversion to cold, no sweat, headache, whole body soreness, stuffy nose, sound dumb, sneeze, runny nose, a small amount of clear sputum, thin white fur, pulse floating tight. Should choose Xin Wen divergence and light digestible food and medicated.
Coriander ginger soup
[Raw materials] coriander (parsley) 10 grams, 10 grams of ginger.
【Method】 the coriander washed chopped, ginger washed slices.
Lentils with lotus leaf
First ginger into the pot, add a bowl of water, boil for 2 minutes on the fire, and then add fresh coriander and seasoning immediately pan.
【Features】 This product in the coriander Xin Wen, can be published outside the drum evil; ginger temperature Wen Xin, can be divergent cold, warm in the vomit, the two can be locked in the body of the cold wind through the table, and the stomach Cold disgusting, but also a therapeutic effect.
In the case of
3, Shushi exogenous type
The performance of the body heat is not good, slightly cold, sweating and heat puzzled, headache head heavy, heavy drowsiness, chest tightness, evil, loss of appetite, mouth pale and sticky, red red, yellow greasy moss, pulse moisten. Should choose the heat solution table, Qushu Li wet easy to digest and absorb the food and medicated.
Lentils with lotus leaf
【Material】 lentils (pods) 15 grams, fresh lotus leaf 1, 100 grams of rice, sugar amount.
【Method】 japonica rice and lentils washed net, add water porridge. To be porridge cooked, add the right amount of sugar, stir evenly, while the hot leaves to cover the face, until the porridge was pale green, abandoned lotus leaf, you can eat.
【Features】 This product has heat, Jieshu, the role of dampness, for fever head weight, abdominal stuffy diarrhea, nausea and darling and other symptoms of air conditioning patients. Lentils flat taste sweet, spleen and stomach, heat dampness; lotus leaf cool bitter heart, both heat Jieshu, but also dampness diarrhea, but also with a pleasant fragrance smell; Spleen Qi. Three with, can be clear wet.
Three fresh tea
【Ingredients】 15 grams of fresh Huoxiang, fresh Perrin 15 grams, 20 grams of fresh mint.
【Method】 will be three raw materials chopped, into the teapot, with boiling water on behalf of the tea.
【Features】 Agastache rugosa, Pelan Qishu dampness, mint Xinliang evacuation, clearing the heat, compatibility, with Qingshu evacuation, aromatic dampness effect, for the heat and humidity type of air conditioning disease have some benefit.

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