When will soy milk drink? Chinese teach you how to drink?

When will soy milk drink?
Early morning
The morning to drink the best milk, however, this time the body is very lack of water and nutrients, soy milk can play a supplementary water, to provide nutritional effects, and soy milk is not greasy, drink some but conducive to digestion and absorption.

Afternoon tea
Soy milk which can add some milk, black tea, modulation into soy milk tea, afternoon tea, while drinking soy milk tea, while eating some small dessert, will make you feel better day up.

When tired
People in the feeling of fatigue, you can cook a cup of milk to drink a drink, soy milk which has high quality soy protein, worthy of plant milk, you can quickly add strength, and soy milk without antibiotics in milk, will not cause health risks.

When sick
Sick people are very weak body, and some people lactose tolerance and low, drink milk will be on the vomiting diarrhea, then change the milk to nothing, if you feel that soy milk fishy, ​​you can put some honey down the taste, I can not drink it at all.

Women to menopause, the female estrogen will be greatly reduced, there will be insomnia, dreams, palms sweating, poor sleep and other issues, by drinking soy milk, you can add soy isoflavones, delay the arrival of menopause, reduce the age syndrome

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