The smoking group of qinglung tea must drink 6 tea

Smoking, lungs, long-term smoking will lead to accumulation of toxins in the lungs, how can Qingfei it? Here, Xiaobian for you to introduce the common Qingfei tea which, smoking you must pay attention to lung health Oh.

1. American ginseng tea
Smoking people often prone to hyperemia, lungs and other issues. In addition, the respiratory tract by the long-term tobacco hazards, the resistance will decline, vulnerable to disease invasion. American ginseng and ginseng different, it should not get angry, and more with Ziyin Qi and thirst quencher effect. American ginseng can also promote blood vitality, make up the lungs and reduce the stomach Sheng Jin, very suitable for smokers to drink. At the same time, by drinking American ginseng Qingfei tea can also regulate diabetes, improve immunity to protect the cardiovascular and nerve center.

2. Honey grapefruit tea
In the "Compendium of Materia Medica" has been recorded in the grapefruit sweet, sour, cold, with qi phlegm, lungs and bowel effect. Very suitable for Spleen, loss of appetite, mouth pale and poor decline in patients. For smokers, grapefruit tea expectorant thirst quencher effect, can improve smoking on the respiratory tract, throat and esophageal injury. At the same time, smoking will also affect the oral health, grapefruit and honey have a bacteriostatic effect, is conducive to maintaining oral health.

In addition, the smoking population is also prone to catch the phenomenon, drinking this tea can improve the problem of constipation. And which is rich in vitamin C can eliminate fatigue, antioxidant, hesperidin can regulate blood pressure, improve smoking caused by vascular aging.

3. Mangosteen tea
Mangosteen is also known as false bitter gourd, gold does not change, also known as immortal fruit. Its high nutritional value, fresh Mangosteen every 100 grams containing up to 400-500 mg of vitamin C, but also contains glycosides, fructose, glucose, protein and other substances.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, Mangosteen has lungs and heat, Shengjinzhike and other effects. Suitable for smoking caused by Hyperactivity, lung dryness, cough and so on. And Chinese medicine also believes that mango fruit sweet, sour, cool, can heat and cooling blood, row of intestinal poison, rejuvenation and other effects, the same for the treatment of smoking caused by sore throat and irritability. From the modern medical point of view Mangosteen contains D-mannitol, which has a cough effect, but also for high blood pressure, glaucoma, auxiliary hypolipidemic, improve obesity. Minimize the risk of smoking.

4. Osmanthus tea
Old smokers tend to appear bad breath, blurred vision and ulcers and other phenomena, and for women smokers, smoking can lead to excessive toxins in the body, skin spots, yellowish and so on. Osmanthus, although with the role of warming yang, but it will not cause a fire, but played lungs, to bad breath, detoxification, beauty and cough and phlegm effect. Moreover, sweet-scented osmanthus tea with a strong aroma, after drinking and the role of the stomach intestines. So it is very suitable for smokers to drink.

5. Chrysanthemum Chencai tea
Long-term smoking also causes harm to the stomach, causing increased gastric acid secretion, induced gastritis, gastric ulcer, reflux esophagitis and other diseases. At this point through the consumption of dried tangerine peel chrysanthemum tea can not only stomach, but also conditioning the burning of tobacco caused by cough, stomach fire, nasal burning and other issues. At this point through the consumption of dried tangerine peel chrysanthemum tea can not only stomach, but also conditioning tobacco burning caused by cough

First of all, dried tangerine peel chrysanthemum tea with cleaning the stomach, under the gas, digestion and other effects, suitable for patients with chronic gastritis. Second, chrysanthemum with heat to fire, detoxification effect, for dry mouth, lit, throat, dry lung, blurred vision and so has a good conditioning effect. In addition, dried tangerine peel also contains volatile oils and fats, the trachea has a weak expansion. And dried tangerine peel and chrysanthemum have a certain anti-inflammatory effect.

Green tea
Because the burning of tobacco will produce some compounds, these compounds will lead to thickening of the arterial wall, elevated blood sugar, easily lead to thrombosis, arteriosclerosis and other issues. At this time to drink green tea, which catechins can be better to prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall, and play the role of hypoglycemic.

Moreover, the green tea theophylline has a diuretic effect, can reduce the smoking caused by harmful substances in the body of the residence time, play the role of diuretic detoxification. In fact, in addition, the old smokers also need to pay attention to add other nutrients, from a variety of ways to reduce the harm of tobacco.

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