Can you go out for the summer? 6 things to know

Summer cupping mainly to moisture, not only can play a health care, the role of disease prevention, but also play the effect of winter disease summer treatment. Summer sweating, cupping before going to take a bath, the body dry, do not let sweat affect the adsorption of cupping.

The benefits of summer cupping: Qushi Jieshu

Since ancient times, cupping are disease prevention and treatment, strong body for the purpose of a treatment, acupuncture treatment is also an important therapy. Guangdong Province, the Second Hospital of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Professor Nie Bin, cupping therapy is a pot as a tool, the use of fire, pumping and other methods to produce negative pressure, so that adsorption in the body surface specific cupping parts, resulting in stimulation of meridian points Health care purposes. Cupping commonly used in colds, neck and shoulder waist and leg pain, obesity, headache, heat stroke, acne, epigastric pain and chronic fatigue syndrome and other diseases prevention and treatment.

Summer cupping notes
Event 1, the following circumstances should not cupping
Skin allergies or ulcers, edema and large blood vessels distribution of the site, are not suitable for cupping. High fever convulsions, as well as pregnant women's abdomen, lumbosacral parts, nor cupping.

Event 2, cupping does not apply to all diseases
Normal some low back pain disease is the most suitable for cupping. While the abdomen, face and other muscle is not rich, there are organs of the cavity does not promote cupping, especially the abdomen, it is easy to form intussusception, intestinal obstruction.

Matter three, cupping applicable
According to traditional Chinese medicine experience, in the back cupping on cough, asthma, chronic gastritis, indigestion and other diseases may be useful.

Matter four, cupping parts wiping oil
Cupping may wish to wipe the edge of the cannabis olive oil or vegetable oil, so as to avoid skin and cupping friction damage the skin. After ironing with hot towel hot look better.

Matter five, to choose the appropriate position and muscle fullness of the site
There are those who improper position, moving or skeleton rugged, more hair is not suitable for use. According to the size of the area by the size of the appropriate selection of the size of the tank. Operation must be fast, in order to make the tank pull, adsorption strong.

Matters 6, with cupping should pay attention not to burn or burn the skin
If the burn or stay tank time is too long and the skin blisters, the small need to deal with, only apply to disinfect gauze, to prevent scratches can be. Blister larger, with a disinfectant needle to release the water, coated with gentian violet syrup, or with disinfection gauze wrapped to prevent infection.

3 categories of cupping to be extra careful:
1, skin allergies, skin damage
Cupping is likely to aggravate allergy symptoms. And skin ulcers can not pull the place, easily lead to infection, blisters, increased ulcers.

2, pregnant women, menstrual women
Especially pregnant women's abdomen, lumbosacral parts, not cupping. Pregnant women if inappropriate cupping can cause threatened abortion and so on. Menstrual period is the same reason, if the menstrual pull the lower abdomen or pull the lumbosacral, will cause menorrhagia.

3, after a full meal of wine
Blood flow to the liver for metabolic work, this time cupping, blood was forced to guide the cupping site, resulting in the heart had to jump several times to speed up the blood supply, prone to dizziness, nausea and other discomfort.

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