Kidney stones patients fasting 11 kinds of food

Kidney stones patients fasting 11 kinds of food

1, spicy food

Suffering from kidney stones in the usual life should try to ensure that the diet is light, only this diet can ensure that patients better prevent the onset of kidney stones. At the same time should also pay attention to try to eat less spicy food, such as pepper, pepper, etc., these foods are not conducive to patient control of the disease.

Many people like to eat a variety of barbecue, fried food, but experts advise, suffering from kidney stones in the usual life should try to avoid eating such food, so as not to cause the disease or even induce complications.

2, meat and food

Kidney stones in the treatment of illness should also pay attention to eat less meat, such as beef, lamb and other food, such foods contain a large number of protein is also detrimental to the health of patients.

In addition to the other should also limit the intake of other meat, especially some animal offal more attention to eat less, so as not to cause the burden of the kidney increased.

In addition to animal offal, there are like fat, pig brain, chicken, octopus, yellow croaker, shrimp, cocoa, coffee, etc., these foods contain some irritating ingredients also easy to aggravate the patient's condition, and even may Induced hydronephrosis and uremia.

3, containing purine ingredients of food

If, too much consumption of purine-rich foods, purine metabolism and abnormal, oxalate deposition in the urine and the formation of urinary stones. Such as animal offal, seafood, peanuts, beans, spinach, etc., contain more purine ingredients.

4, beans

Beans such as soybeans, including soybeans, big green beans and black beans are rich in protein, the formation of kidney stones have a great help, it can not be a lot of food.

5, oxalic acid food

Kidney stones in the usual life should try to eat less foods containing oxalic acid, otherwise it will lead to increased burden on the kidneys, the same serious impact on the treatment of kidney stones and recovery.

In particular, some of the more serious symptoms of patients, containing oxalic acid food should pay attention to avoid eating, in order to effectively control the disease.

Life is rich in oxalic acid foods, such as spinach, celery, wild rice, lettuce, etc., these foods for patients with kidney stones is undoubtedly a reminder, the patient in the usual life must be carefully consumed.

6, high calcium food

It can be said that kidney stones patients are "smell milk color change", a little drink a little dairy products may lead to disease seizures, and even may be out and out of control.

So experts advise this part of the patients, in normal life should be appropriate to eat less dairy products, it is best not to eat. This is due to a variety of dairy products contain a lot of calcium, which is the main cause of the incidence of patients.

Such as shrimp, milk, seaweed, goat milk, etc., these foods are patients must be taboo food. In addition there are some more salt foods and high levels of vitamin d foods, patients should control the consumption.

7, taboo fruit

Patients with kidney stones should pay attention to, not all of the fruit are suitable for consumption, such as some of the fruit containing oxalic acid can not eat, such as grapes, fig dried, dried fruit and so on.

In addition to some acidic fruit can not eat, such as apples, citrus and so on. For some of the symptoms of relatively light patients, although these fruits can be eaten but must pay attention to the amount, otherwise the same is not conducive to the control of the disease and recovery.

8, high protein food

Kidney stones can not eat high protein food. In addition to the protein containing oxalic acid glycine, hydroxyproline, the protein can also promote the intestinal function of calcium absorption.

If you often eat too high protein foods, so that the kidneys and urine calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid composition is generally increased. Such as milk, eggs, soy milk, fish and so are rich in protein foods, should not eat less.

9, wine

Patients in the usual life should also pay attention to try to drink less, excessive drinking easily lead to kidney stones. And drinking in the interference of a series of metabolic, interfere with the internal environment after the increase in the incidence of stones. Therefore, alcohol is one of the foods that kidney stones can not eat.

10, sugar

Limited intake of carbohydrates. High-sugar food intake, can increase the chance of suffering from kidney stones, therefore, pay attention to eat less sweets.

Experts found that, regardless of normal or stone patients, after eating 100 grams of sucrose, over 2 hours to check their urine, found that urinary calcium and oxalate concentrations were increased.

If you take lactose, it can promote the absorption of calcium, calcium phosphate may lead to accumulation in the body and the formation of urinary stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones do not eat too much sugar.

At the same time, kidney stones patients should also pay attention to avoid a lot of vitamin intake, high vitamin content foods such as celery, tomatoes and so do not eat.

In addition, kidney stones patients should also pay great attention to their diet healthy. Multi-exercise is conducive to the body of acidic substances emissions, a great impact on the treatment of kidney stones.

11, less intake of vitamin C

Although some people think that vitamin C benefits a lot, but the use of high-dose for people susceptible to kidney stones. Vitamin C may cause problems, because the body will be vitamin C into oxalate. If suffering from kidney stones, the safest way is to get vitamin C from the food, and do not take large doses of vitamin C supplements.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



