11 summer health care knowledge healthy and comfortable summer

1, lack of sleep is anger fire
Master of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that rest and often upside down and long stay up late people, often emotional will not be very stable. Because at 11 o'clock to 1 am when the time is dirty blood flow. If this time, the blood back to the liver is about to store refined gas, if people do not sleep, equal to force their own liver to continue to break down the work, refined gas can not be stored, liver Sheng Yin, yin and yang loss and. Detoxification, storage and decomposition of bile is the main work of the liver, long-term abuse of liver does not give rest, anger rise, fatigue,

Traditional Chinese medicine "Nei Jing" refers to the body Sambo, "fine, gas, God," fine is the gas charge, gas filling is Shen Wang. On the contrary, the weak is the gods, the spirit is easy, emotional also greatly affected. Recharge your batteries, that is the truth. Do not stay up all night, proper afternoon sleep healthy. Good quality of sleep, to lift the "bitter summer" is very important.

2, exercise should be moderate
Try to engage in moderate exercise, too intense exercise caused by a lot of sweat, exercise consumption, loss of a large number of body fluids is equivalent to the loss of a lot of physical strength is also easy to irritability. Playing tai chi, qigong or yuan pole dance is a good meditation movement. Choose a gentle exercise, keep breathing gentle calm, the body within a very small blood vessels or meridians, have the opportunity to get enough nutrients. Listen to music for a walk. To maintain a quiet state of mind, do not be too excited, not to irritability impatient. Irritability, poor mood when you can take a walk, listen to light music, etc. to relieve negative emotions.
 11 summer health care knowledge healthy and comfortable summer

3, refused to "cloudy food"
Summer to eat fresh food, too cloudy food easy to accelerate the heart of fire, increase the weight of the body, the spirit of drowsy. Traditional Chinese medicine records, "often eat the water in the injury, eat the ground to go sad, eat the sky will be hurt." Cooking methods are also as light as possible, to avoid frying, roast, sweet food should eat high heat.

4, eat cold food
Summer we think that cold food can cool down, but ignored the body temperature is higher (sometimes up to 37 degrees), suddenly drank ice water poured into the body, internal organs can not stand. To heat and calm the nerves, may wish to drink chrysanthemum tea, honeysuckle tea, mung bean soup or water content of fruit. However, the stomach cold who drink less, you can drink plenty of water. Physique is hot and virtual people, may wish to eat Tremella, lotus seeds or lilies and other cooler, Quxie qi.

5, the first "gas and" and "peace of mind"
Chinese medicine health is very focused on "gas and", airy, and into enough energy for the activities, physical and mental relaxation to relax, the heart naturally calm down.

6, self-cultivation is also modified
Health experts have stressed that "physical and mental to Shuangxiu", when the body is not easy to affect the psychological, psychological impatient, the body slowly weak. Cultivate good habits, and gradually adjust their temper, habits and personality, emotional stability can be more. From the point of view of emotional health, the real practice, not not trivial, but to be able to perfectly control the ups and downs of the mood.
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