How to eat four kinds of chronic kidney nephritis do not touch

For patients with chronic nephritis, in addition to active with the treatment, in the diet should pay special attention. Some things are chronic nephritis patients can not eat, and some are able to eat, these to understand.

Chronic nephritis patients can not eat what food?

1, high salt diet
With the spread of food around the various places, and now people's tastes are relatively heavy, not taste the taste of things can not eat. And chronic nephritis edema, blood volume and sodium salt great association, so in order to prevent increased aggravation and increased blood volume accidents, people must limit the salt, the need for low-salt diet, daily salt intake needs to be controlled in the 4 grams or less.

2, high-fat food
Patients with chronic nephritis may develop symptoms of anemia and hypertension, and animal fat is an adverse factor in hypertension, anemia, because fat can aggravate the function of hematopoiesis and atherosclerosis. So patients with chronic nephritis can not eat too much high-fat food. Daily life can be used in addition to vegetable oil instead of chronic nephritis in patients with fat intake, to prevent the body's body becomes weak.

3, tofu
Tofu is the most familiar food, and is common in daily life, but chronic nephritis is detrimental. This is because the tofu is a high protein food, in order to reduce the intake of protein in patients with chronic nephritis to effectively relieve the pain, so as to avoid protein in the body of metabolites, uric acid, urea, creatinine excretion difficulties and accumulation of poisoning.

4, eggs
Chronic nephritis patients because of metabolic and renal function decline caused by reduced urine output, and the body of metabolites can not all excreted through the kidneys. If the daily life of patients with excessive consumption of eggs will lead to increased body urea, will increase the condition of nephritis, severe cases, even uremia.

Chronic nephritis diet requirements:

1, should pay attention to protein intake
For patients with chronic nephritis, it should control their own protein intake. Protein in the human body will be converted into ammonia, and when the kidneys to filter, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in deterioration of the kidneys, to patients with serious harm, so for patients, should strengthen the protein intake The amount of Confucius and.

2, should pay attention to the intake of sodium
For patients with chronic nephritis, should be a reasonable control of daily intake of sodium salt. Because patients with kidney disease are generally prone to edema, limiting salt intake mainly for edema and hypertension in patients, because the salt can be added to increase the retention of sodium and water, so that edema is difficult to subside, causing high blood pressure. So the patient should control the sodium salt every day.

3, should pay attention to the intake of water
Patients should reduce the intake of water, especially for edema patients, edema, the patient should be based on the degree of urine and edema to grasp the degree of water intake, in general, if the edema is obvious, the early eating, the appropriate Intake of water is appropriate After urinary tract infection.

Chronic nephritis patients with therapeutic side:

1, carp 1, about 250 grams, caesarean section to visceral wash, into the garlic at the end of 10 grams, wrapped in clean white paper, soaked with water, into the valley bran cooked. Fish garlic whole food, conditional one day. Applicable to chronic nephritis and malnutrition edema.

2, glutinous rice, Gorgon 30 grams, 10 ginkgo (peeled), porridge. 1 day service, 10 days for a course of treatment. This porridge has spleen and kidney, solid astringent convergence fine effect.

3, pig kidney 1, Codonopsis, Astragalus, Gorgon each 20 grams. The pig kidney cut open, to the fascia wash, and medicine were cooked soup. This side applies to the recovery of chronic nephritis and spleen and kidney qi deficiency patients.

4, green head male duck 1, the amount of rice, light blue 3 stems. Will be green and diced meat to cook very hard, add rice, light blue porridge, or duck soup porridge, warm food, 5 to 7 days for a course of treatment. This side has tonic spleen and stomach, diuresis effect. Applicable to all edema patients.

5, rice 50 to 100 grams, 5 grams of land. First to land with water juice, to slag, and then add rice porridge. Daily or every other day. Applicable to chronic nephritis edema, cirrhosis ascites.

6, fresh beans or water dry dry beans 250 grams, 500 grams of lean beef, salt a little. Will be cut with beef and beans, salt with casserole, simmer stew can be cooked, 2 times a day, with the amount of food.

7, gourd skin, melon skin, watermelon skin 30 grams, jujube 10 grams, with the pot of water about 400 ml, fry to about 150 ml, to slag Serve. Drink soup, a daily dose, until the swelling so far.

8, live carp 1 to 2, 50 grams of rice, wick flowers 5 to 8 roots. Will be on the 3 flavor water amount, boiled gruel food. Daily 1, for chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis.

9, fresh Chine 200 grams, 200 grams of rice. First washed the root, add water, decoction for half an hour, fishing to dregs, plus panning rice, continue to boil porridge. Dayton 1 day consumption.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



