Enjoy eating weight loss can also be simply social welfare

Here we take a look at what food is what can we eat the more thin it?

The first kind of food: seaweed
In addition to rich in vitamins A, B1 and B2, it is also rich in large amounts of cellulose and minerals, can exclude the body of waste and excess water, so that the body more light.

The second kind of food: sesame seeds
Sesame is rich in large amounts of linoleic acid, can remove excess cholesterol within the blood vessels, improve metabolism and the body's microcirculation, can achieve the effect of weight loss waist.

The third kind of food: banana
Banana Although the calorie is very high, but the fat is very low, rich in potassium and satiety and low fat, can reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, is a good weight to lose weight.

The fourth kind of food: apple
Apple is rich in unique malic acid, can accelerate metabolism, reduce lower body fat, but also can reduce the accumulation of lower body water.

The fifth food: red beans
Red beans contained in the stone acid components can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, promote urination and reduce the occurrence of constipation, thus removing the lower body fat.

The sixth kind of food: papaya
Papaya is rich in unique protein decomposition enzymes, can be removed because of meat and accumulation in the lower body fat, and papaya pectin is the most excellent colonizing agent, can reduce the accumulation of waste in the lower body.

The seventh kind of food: watermelon
To the summer is a season to eat watermelon, and watermelon is a diuretic experts, eat more can be excluded from the body inside the excess water, and sugar is not much, eat more will not fat.

Eighth food: bamboo shoots
Bamboo shoots are low-fat low-sugar, multi-fiber food, can prevent constipation, but do not eat stomach ulcers.

The ninth kind of food: grapefruit
Grapefruit is a low-fat food, eat it will not be obese, it is also rich in potassium, helps to reduce the body's fat and water accumulation.

The tenth kind of food: spinach
Spinach has the effect of removing toxins from the body and stovepipe.

Eat more food these can reduce the accumulation of fat, and the exclusion of excess water within the body, although there are some weight loss for those who do not like sports, but the appropriate increase in some aerobic exercise to lose weight better Oh Oxygen movement can not only rule out excess nutrients in the body, but also can speed up the metabolism.

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