How can five kinds of food help you improve

Some people usually speak weak, a little bit of a straight sweat, his face is particularly pale, in fact, this is the performance of Qi. So how can we improve it? May wish to try to diet the way to conditioning.

According to reports, the generation of gas depends on the innate kidney yang, more dependent on the spleen and stomach after the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the choice of appropriate qi food, is to enhance physical fitness, prevention of disease, longevity foundation. In fact, some homemade food has the role of qi.

Yam, known as "fairy food". "Compositae" said: "yam can kidney, spleen and stomach, diarrhea diarrhea, phlegm, moisturizing fur." ​​Yam can fill lungs, spleen, kidney, for a variety of physical people. It is not hot not dry, the taste of peace, after eating, do not worry about bloating, constipation and other troubles.

Because there are many benefits to the human body, potatoes are also known as "underground fruit". Potato tonic appetite function prominent, in addition to a detoxification, laxative, weight loss lipid-lowering, blood swelling, Qi Qi physical, beauty and anti-aging effect. Potatoes are rich in potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other essential elements of the human body. Potato food swept the world, and its own rich nutritional value is not unrelated.

Mushrooms are one of the "four hills", "plant queen", "prime in the dirty" reputation. For qi and blood deficiency, often weak people have conditioning effect. "Compendium of Materia Medica" that: "mushrooms can benefit gastrointestinal, phlegm qi."

Chestnut sweet taste, there are spleen Qi, kidney strong gluten, anti-aging effect. Chestnut contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, can reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease. Chestnut in the high calcium content, is an excellent calcium food, the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis have a good effect.

Millet into the spleen, stomach, kidney, with the role of spleen and stomach, especially for the spleen and stomach of human consumption, often as a postpartum nourishing food for women. Studies have shown that millet in the vitamin B1, inorganic salt content was significantly higher than rice. Millet gruel boil well after a while, the top of the porridge will gather a layer of film, which is "porridge oil", it has to protect the gastric mucosa, prevention and treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer role.

Qi empty to eat these three meters

Glutinous rice
Glutinous rice sweet and warm, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, antiperspirant thirst and so on, for Qi deficiency caused by sweating, shortness of breath and other symptoms, suitable for yang weak, spleen and stomach who eat. Glutinous rice is generally easier to digest and absorb porridge. But glutinous rice sticky, cough, phlegm, thick greasy tongue coating, indigestion eat less appropriate, the higher postprandial blood glucose response, diabetes patients should not eat.

Millet sweet, spleen Qi role, containing calcium, iron, vitamin E and other nutrients. Millet general porridge, cooking or grinding into powder into a variety of food. Millet cooler, especially for upset, fever, mouth sores are edible, but the spleen and stomach Deficiency should not eat.

Yellow rice
Yellow rice sweet, warm, can Qi Buzhong, there are Chufan thirst, detoxification effect, there are fever polydipsia, cough, stomach pain and other symptoms of people can eat more. Yellow rice in addition to rich in protein, the vitamin E content in the cereal is more prominent. Yellow rice can be used for porridge, rice and wine. Similar to the glutinous rice, yellow rice nature sticky, indigestion and diabetes should eat less.

Several times the body of the tea party

Ginger jujube drink
Fresh ginger (ginger) 3 grams cut thin slices, add water 500 ml, simmer for 20 minutes, then add jujube 6-10, longan 6-10, small fire stew to jujube Sulan, eat red dates and longan, soup The If you can add a little brown sugar, it is better. Eat once a day before going to bed, this eat, taste good, good nutrition, cheap, and the effect is good.

Vitality qi tea
Ginseng flower 2 grams, 2 grams of lentils, Cordyceps flowers 2 grams, 2 grams of peony flowers. Boiled water, when the tea drink. With vitality, spleen and lung effect.

Ganmai jujube tea
Licorice 5 grams, jujube 6, 30 grams of wheat. Decoction to slag, on behalf of the tea with. With qi and middle, nourishing the nerves of the effect.

Ginseng honey tea
Ginseng 10 grams, 30 grams of sugar, honey, 50 grams. The Add boiling water, when the tea drink. Have Dabu strength, reduce fatigue, enhance the effectiveness of disease resistance.

In addition, the spirit of the quality of introverted, emotional instability, timid adventure, should cultivate open-minded and optimistic attitude of life, not over-labor, to avoid excessive tension, to maintain a peaceful state of mind, not too thought too sad. Usually should pay attention to warm, do not want to sweat when the wind, should be micro-limbs, so that blood circulation, not overwork.

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