Children eat fruit at all ages to eat is critical

Fruit is our daily life can not be missing food, especially children, should eat fruit. But the fruit can not eat, the children must pay attention to the following things to eat fruit.

Children eat fruit also age

Parents to the baby to eat fruit must control the amount of good, because no matter how good the fruit to eat more trouble, such as watermelon, banana eat more likely to diarrhea, cherry, mango, litchi eat more angry, parents should pay attention to control Good baby's consumption. Advice recommended baby the amount of suitable fruit for each 50-100 grams, according to the size of the baby's age adjustment.

Baby should not eat fruit after a meal, this is because the fruit of the monosaccharide material easily absorbed by the small intestine, if blocked in the stomach is very easy to form a flatulence. The baby should not eat fruit before the meal, this is because the meal will occupy the stomach before eating a certain amount of space, affecting the intake of nutrients in the meal.

Baby to eat fruit the best time should be between the two meals, or wake up after a nap, let the baby fruit as a snack to eat.

Parents to the baby's chewing and swallowing ability to feed fruit, generally just add food to eat eggs, there are two ways: First, drink fresh fruit juice, you can directly squeeze juice with a juicer, grinding tools can also be used to crush fruit machine out Fruit juice; the second is a small spoon into a mud, the best with the eat with scraping, so as not to oxidize discoloration, but also to avoid pollution.

What is the child to eat fruit?

1, apple

Apple is rich in dietary fiber pectin, so Apple can play a two-way regulation of the role of catharsis. When the stool dry knot, eat apples can play the role of laxative. Apple pectin can absorb their own 2.5 times the volume of water, so that the stool becomes easy to discharge, you can relieve constipation. When the stool diarrhea, the pectin in the apple can absorb the moisture in the feces, so that thin and thick, and thus play the role of diarrhea. Apple's "two-way adjustment" role is very soft, especially for infants and young children.

Apple steamed to eat: diarrhea digestible apple steamed to eat the pectin cooked after not only can absorb bacteria and toxins, but also convergence, antidiarrheal effect, and easier to digest. Apple will be cut into small pieces of skin, into a small bowl of steam for 5 minutes can be a little cooling after eating.

2, oranges

Oranges are sour and cool. There is spleen and stomach, vomiting broad chest of power. For loss of appetite, bloating after eating, vomiting, constipation and so on. Because citrus fruit peel contains a lot of pectin, which aromatic oil has appetizing effect, orange petals contain a lot of dietary fiber, orange network has the effect of cough and phlegm.


(1) before meals or fasting when unfit for human consumption, or organic acids contained in the orange will stimulate the gastric mucosa, the stomach adverse.

(2) Oranges are delicious but do not eat too much, such as eating too much will be suffering from "carrot".

(3) after eating orange should be timely brushing mouthwash, so as not to harmful to oral teeth.

(4) to eat oranges before and after 1 hour do not drink milk, because the protein in the milk encountered coagulation acid, affecting digestion and absorption.

Children can not eat fruit:

1, kiwi

Benefit: Two kiwi fruit contains 1 day of nutrition required 1/3, is the most nutritious ingredients in a variety of fruits, the most comprehensive. Kiwi are dietary fiber rich low-calorie low-fat foods, each kiwi fruit only 45 calories, containing 1/3 of the fiber pectin, can play the role of moistening laxative.

Taboo: kiwi fruit is cold, eat more irritable to the stomach, it is best to eat the middle part of the green. British studies have shown that some children eat too much kiwi can cause serious allergic reactions, and even lead to collapse. But there is no report of death due to consumption of kiwi. It is recommended that the parents of kiwi pressed into fresh fruit juice for children to eat, so to cut into pieces to feed the child to be safe.

2, mango
Benefits: mango fruit nutritional value is very high, vitamin A content of up to 3.8%, even more than apricot 1 times. Vitamin C content is also more than orange, strawberry. Mango contains sugar, protein and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, are necessary for the human body. In addition, it has a lot of efficacy.

Taboo: Although the nutritional value of mango is high, but should not eat too much, if eating 2/3 of medium mango has reached the dietor recommended daily consumption. The mango contains more irritating substances, mango and easy to mango juice stained mouth, cheeks and other parts, to stimulate the facial skin, causing facial swelling, inflammation, severe cases, there will be eye swelling, pain. So after eating to wash away in the lips around the skin on the skin of mango juice, so as to avoid allergic reactions.

In addition, because mango contains a special substance, not suitable for people to eat mango or should be taboo better. Mango is hot fruit, easy to get angry, prematurely to the children eat easily lead to allergies.

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