Chronic kidney disease can live long patient diet attention to low protein

Chronic kidney disease has become one of the important issues affecting public health, according to the survey, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in China was 10.8%. So many people are also worried about the disease and life problems. Experts pointed out that patients with chronic kidney disease need to grasp the two important basic points in the diet: First, long-term adherence to low-protein diet, the second is to learn to exchange and choose a flexible food.

How long can chronic kidney disease live?

Experts pointed out that there is no clear answer to this question, chronic kidney disease is a chronic disease, and some disease control disease control is good, you can live for many years, if the patient has been deteriorating condition, this is not a clear time. Therefore, the patient is very relevant to the control of the disease.

1, chronic kidney disease treatment to prevent or delay the further deterioration of renal function; to improve or alleviate clinical symptoms; such as reducing edema, correct anemia, control of hypertension; prevention and treatment of serious complications such as infection, water and electrolyte imbalance, Failure and so on.

2, active control of blood pressure can control blood pressure in the ideal range, is to prevent chronic kidney disease continue to develop, delay the key to renal damage.

3, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis, in addition to a clear antihypertensive effect, but also can reduce the glomerular pressure, there is delay Renal function deterioration, reduce urinary protein and reduce the role of glomerular sclerosis. Commonly used AcEI drugs are: Monroe, Yashida, enalapril, open Broadcom and so on.

4, anticoagulant and platelet depolymerization of drug use studies have shown that these drugs have a good role in the stability of renal function, but also to a certain extent reduce the renal pathological damage. Commonly used anticoagulant drugs are: heparin, warfarin; antiplatelet drugs commonly used: dipyridamole (dipyridamole), aspirin and so on.

5, should be selected according to the specific circumstances of the use of hormones and cytotoxic drugs, avoid blind use.

6, the prevention and treatment of other factors can cause kidney damage avoid using renal toxicity and easy to induce renal damage drugs, such as gentamicin, sulfonamides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

A low-protein diet to be less and fine

The body of the protein in the non-stop synthesis, decomposition of the metabolic process, people eat meat or tofu, the first protein in the stomach and intestinal digestion (broken down into 20 kinds of amino acids), amino acids and then absorbed into the blood by the intestinal tract The

A key issue in nutritional treatment for chronic kidney disease is the ideal intake of protein. Some people think that the daily protein intake must be less than 0.38g per kilogram of body weight, "standard" is recommended per kilogram of body weight 0.6g ~ 0.8g, and should be used with essential amino acids more high-quality protein foods such as milk, eggs , Lean meat, fish, chicken and so on.

And many people think that "eat beans rot kidney", many doctors and patients are tofu "at arm's length", easy to ignore soy protein is also a high-quality protein. In fact simply from the protein point of view, there is no need to over-limit, take it as meat is no problem.

Patients with uremia should limit the "poor quality" proteins contained in cereals. At present, try to try wheat starch as the staple food instead of wheat flour and rice. Wheat starch is extracted from the protein extracted from wheat flour, and the protein content of wheat flour is reduced from 9.9% to 0.6%. With wheat starch as the main source of daily energy supply to patients, can reduce the intake of non-essential amino acid intake.

Chronic kidney disease can live long chronic kidney disease diet diet chronic kidney disease diet attention to what

Second, learn to adjust the diet according to the condition

Nutritional status of kidney patients is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life, complication rate and survival rate, but the incidence of malnutrition is still high (30% to 60%) for various reasons. Patients should note the following:

1, timely check and assess the nutritional status, and take effective measures to actively adjust to improve the quality of life and long-term survival, such as maintaining weight and hand strength, maintaining laboratory indicators.

2, as far as possible in limiting the intake of protein within the scope of supply of high-quality protein, so as to ensure the needs of human protein metabolism, reduce tissue protein decomposition. When the symptoms disappear, blood urea nitrogen returned to normal the situation is stable for some time, you can gradually increase the amount of protein intake in the diet, the daily supply of high quality protein evenly distributed in three meals a day to better play the complementary role of protein The

3, the daily must ensure adequate energy, can be combined with carbohydrate-based carbohydrate and vegetable oil-based monounsaturated fatty acids constitute the main source of energy.

4, accurate electrolyte intake, away from hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia. Diet in the supply of salt according to the patient's edema and disease needs to be flexible to maintain the electrolyte and acid-base balance. If the patient with hyperkalemia, the diet should be careful to eat fruits and vegetables, cooking can be used in a large number of water to reduce the potassium content.

Chronic kidney disease can live long chronic kidney disease diet diet chronic kidney disease diet attention to what

Third, to learn to exchange and choose food

1, limit the total protein intake. Wheat starch (or other starch) can be used as the staple food instead of rice, flour, in the limit of protein intake within the choice of milk, eggs and aquatic meat containing high quality protein food as the main source of protein. Can be used to replace some of the staple food, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, lotus root, water chestnuts, yam, taro, pumpkin and so on.

2, limited food In addition to the quantitative supply of animal protein food, other foods containing high animal and plant protein are within the control range, such as soy and its products, nuts and food category.

3, according to the needs of the disease, in addition to the need to limit the amount of high potassium foods (carefully selected fruits, potatoes, potato starch, vegetables) patients, the rest of the patients can choose fruit, vegetables.

4, the patient eating less, can be added in the diet cooking starch and vegetable oils, in order to achieve high calorie intake.

In addition, it is recommended that patients eat favorite and the right food, adhere to the appropriate exercise, away from alcohol and tobacco, to maintain a healthy and healthy state of life. These are very positive for the control and treatment of the disease.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



