The old man is prone to kidney stones

When the elderly need to stay in bed for a long time, be sure to do regular sitting on the bed, stand up and other activities, and should be adjusted diet, eating low salt and low calcium food, to avoid eating high oxalic acid, celery and other food, To drink more water to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

The causes of kidney stones

There are many factors that affect the formation of stones, age, sex, race, genetic, environmental factors, eating habits and occupation associated with the formation of stones. The body's metabolic abnormalities, urinary tract obstruction, infection, foreign body and the use of drugs is a common cause of stone formation. It has been known that there are 32 components of urinary stones, the most common ingredient is calcium oxalate. Other components such as ammonium phosphate, uric acid, calcium phosphate and cystine acid (an amino acid), etc., can also be a mixture of the above ingredients.

A 70-year-old old man, due to the stairs accidentally fell to the right side of the leg fracture caused by injury after the plaster fixed bed rest for two months, just as he was ready to discharge the night before suddenly felt the upper side of the waist severe colic, By the B-ultrasound was diagnosed as kidney stones, why the old man suddenly suffering from kidney stones it was originally with his long bed after fracture related.

For the human body bed bed activities in the case of reduced call, easily lead to calcium loss in the bone, shedding of calcium material by the accumulation of blood can cause blood calcium content increased, and increased calcium and urinary calcium is bound to cause Increased, increased urinary calcium is prone to crystallization and the formation of kidney stones. While the long-term bed rest fixed position, but also not conducive to urine in the urinary tract from top to bottom flow, prone to urinary tract salty; urinary system inflammation, bacteria containing urine on the formation of urinary calculi have a certain role in promoting The In addition to fractures, the elderly suffering from cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage and other limb paralysis of the disease, such as reduced activity can cause kidney stones.

Therefore, the elderly need to stay in bed for a long time, be sure to do regular time in bed, stand up and other activities, and should be adjusted diet, eating low salt and low calcium food, to avoid eating high oxalic acid, celery and other food , While more water to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Talk about the elderly long bed rest easy to kidney stones! The above is about kidney disease fasting what food introduction, to remind the patient friends to maintain a good attitude, and actively cooperate with the doctor treatment. get well soon!



