Is There Something I Can Take to Get Off Dialysis with Kidney Failure

Dialysis is commonly experienced in kidney failure patients to help patients remit some poisoning symptoms and avoid severe complications. However, dialysis often makes patients suffer from various adverse effects. Therefore, patients are wondering that is there something I can take to get off dialysis with kidney failure.

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs. Healthy kidneys are 10-12 cm long and 5-6 cm wide. Each kidney is composed of one million nephrons. When blood flows through nephrons, oxygen and nutrients will be supplied to them and also the wastes will be filtered out of body. However, there is a variety of conditions and disease which can cause inadequate blood supply to nephrons. The impaired nephrons will become scarred and necrotic progressively. When the number of healthy nephrons reduces, which will cause the condition of ischemia and anoxia in kidneys, kidney shrinkage will be the result. Meanwhile, the shrinked kidneys will fail to function adequately. High levels of waste products will flow into blood through blood circulation, thus giving rise to a lot of complications and discomforts.

How Can I Stop Dialysis
Can Kidneys Rejuvenate After Damage for Chronic Kidney Failure Patients
For kidney failure patients, there are lots of wastes products and toxic substances building up in your blood and the wastes products can not be eliminated out of body by the diseased kidney. As a result, more and more wastes products are more likely to build up in your blood and higher and higher creatinine level as well as more and more complications occurs. With the proper of helping patients avoid some poisoning symptoms and complications, many renal experts worked together for many years and developed a series of natural treatments have been developed to help patients treat kidney disease. The natural treatments includes Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy.

Chinese Medicine can help patients get off dialysis by repairing those damaged renal tissues, but it need take some times. You know the kidney disease is long-time disease, so the restore progression should be longer enough. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of therapy to repair the diseased kidney. In this therapy, there are numerous herbs containing in this therapy and they are refined into powder that is collected into two medicated bags. By connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. At the same time, sufficient blood and oxygen also can be delivered inside kidney.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



