Hypertensive nephropathy harm, do these two points, let you step down and prevent disease!

We are all familiar with hypertension and chronic kidney disease, but many people do not understand it. Many patients at the beginning to check out the disease, there will be many questions: hypertension can cause kidney disease? Will develop to uremia ah? Well today, Doctor U came to talk with you about Hypertensive Nephropathy and its prevention.

Hypertensive nephropathy is how come?

Blood pressure increases the pressure of blood in the blood vessels, resulting in the leakage of protein in the blood vessels into the urine. The leakage of the protein can affect the filtration function of the kidney. If high blood pressure has been controlled is not very good, resulting in increased protein leakage, will lead to kidney lesions, such as glomerular atherosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, resulting in reduced function, the ultimate manifestation of hypertensive kidney disease.

Therefore, patients with hypertension are more concerned about their own kidney health, how to effectively avoid hypertensive nephropathy it? You need to pay attention to the following two points.

Reasonable with diet
Many diseases have a direct relationship with the diet, so we have a regular, abstinence diet, with particular attention to low-salt diet, high blood pressure and kidney disease is sometimes slow onset, do not often have to eat Eat less point indifferent psychology, especially those who already have high blood pressure and kidney disease have to be strict with their own requirements, poor food to the kidney to eat or eat less.

Hypertensive patients suitable food: vegetable oil, a small amount of butter, salad dressing, spinach, cabbage, carrots, apples, oranges, pears, grapes, watermelon and so on.

Timely and effective antihypertensive treatment
Diuretics antihypertensive drugs: mainly for elderly diastolic blood pressure is not high, systolic blood pressure outside the normal range of patients or patients with heart failure performance, pregnant women are also available. Avoid using these drugs in patients with hypokalemia and hyperuricemia or gout;

β-blockers Antihypertensive drugs: for hypertension associated with angina pectoris, heart failure, myocardial infarction and other symptoms of patients with asthma or cardiovascular disease other than vascular disease do not use these drugs;

Calcium antagonist antihypertensive drugs, such as Shi Huida, Luohuo hi: We cited these two types of drugs are long-term antihypertensive drugs, you can control the 24-hour blood pressure remained stable.

Remember: According to the disease, prescribed medication, not privately medication!

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



