What good to eat kidney failure Kidney health care

In general, eating more fruits is good for your health. However, patients with kidney failure is not the same as ordinary people, what fruit can eat what fruit? What kind of fruit to eat in patients with renal failure benefit? Let's take a look.

Fruit for kidney failure patients

1, grapes

From the nutritional value of view, the grape contains not only minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and multivitamins, but also contains a variety of essential amino acids. Chinese medicine also believes that grapes sweet, spleen, lung, kidney three, eat more grapes can play qi and blood, kidney yigan role. A large number of medical studies have shown that grapes on the rehabilitation of patients with nephritis has some auxiliary effect.

It should be noted here that the type and color of the market a lot of grapes, kidney is the most black grapes. However, grapevine cool, stomach cold people to be careful, do not eat too much at one time.

2, mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, mulberry dates, sweet juicy, is one of the people often eat the fruit, known as the "folk holy fruit." What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Chinese medicine that mulberry sweet, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, with nourishing Yin, fluid and dry Bugan kidney effect.

In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotenoids and other ingredients, the effect is particularly prominent for women, often taking beauty beauty, anti-aging.

3, black currant

Black currant is also called black currant, black bean, purple plum, black currant nutritional value is extremely high. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? According to scientists, there are 181 mg of vitamin C, 322 mg of potassium and many kinds of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron per 100 grams of black currant, which has the functions of lowering blood fat, raising kidney, resisting oxidation and improving immunity. Role, it is still a fruit of all ages San goods.

In addition, black currant has high medicinal value, contains the bioflavonoids can improve vascular permeability, anti-aging and anti-cancer.

4, black date

Speaking of dates, we may suddenly think of dates, jujube sweet nature, the effect of qi and blood, qi and nourishing the sacred goods, especially for women.

5, citrus

Citrus not only juicy delicious, but also the function of protecting the kidneys. Recently, a new study in the UK found that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, oranges and lemons help to block renal cysts (a benign tumor that causes kidney dysfunction, hypertension, commonly treated with kidney dialysis) form.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure to eat to eat what good kidney failure to eat

6, pear

Pear pear taste crisp, sweet taste, fragrant pear sweet, slightly acidic, with lungs and lungs, cough and phlegm, heat purging fire and other effects, can help treat cough, bad breath, constipation embolism, Pertussis is also effective in children. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Pear also contains asparticin, a special effect on human kidney health, but diarrhea should be careful diet.

7, bananas

Bananas contain bromelain enzyme, which is considered to enhance men's interest. In addition, it contains potassium and vitamin B, thus increasing the overall body's function. Nephritis patients should eat bananas. Nephritis patients because of poor renal filtration function, eat bananas will make the blood calcium, potassium, magnesium imbalance, especially potassium will aggravate nephropathy, while banana in the magnesium and nerve and cardiovascular system will have an inhibitory effect.

8, chestnuts

Chinese medicine believes that chestnut is the "kidney of the fruit," Bushen Yangwei effect is very good. Chestnut, mild, sweet, with kidney yang Zhuang waist effect. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? For people with kidney low back pain, the most suitable to eat. Elderly often eat chestnuts, anti-aging anti-aging, longevity great benefits.

9, strawberry

Strawberry is a living vitamin pill, and there are many active factors in strawberry that are good for the health of our kidneys. And there are many nutrients in strawberry that can greatly enhance our whole immune system.

10, cherry

Cherry is rich in iron, for women, can blood, relieve the pain condition during menstruation. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Cherry for men, you can protect their kidneys, to achieve the role of Yin and kidney.

Three patients with renal failure attention diet

1, diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food

Chronic renal failure, uremia often gastrointestinal mucosa congestion, erosion, such as eating chili, liquor and other stimulating foods, often aggravating gastrointestinal mucosal erosion, leading to endometrial vascular bleeding.

2, eating dogs, sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious

Chinese medicine believes that dog meat, lamb, beef and other hair material, easily lead to relapse or aggravate the disease, clinically see systemic lupus erythematosus or chronic nephritis caused by renal failure patients eat beef, mutton, aggravate the disease or even the last death, coincidence Still to be further observed, but patients with chronic renal failure or do not eat such meat products as well.

3, should be soft, avoid hard and fried foods

Chronic renal failure due to toxins in the body retention and blood microcirculation disorders and other causes of gastrointestinal mucosa often congestion, erosion, such as eating hard food, fried foods such as sesame cakes sugar, fried noodles, etc., often lead to food in Broken blood vessels in the stomach and cause bleeding. Due to chronic renal failure, coagulation dysfunction in patients with uremia, bleeding difficult to stop, it will lead to death

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



