Five major symptoms of kidney failure diet

The diet of kidney failure patients is a very important question. How to adjust the key factors that can be cured, then how to diet in daily life which can better regulate renal failure patients?

Renal failure how to nursed back to health

1, intake of high quality protein

Kidney failure patients need to regulate the amount of protein intake to reduce the burden on the kidneys, but if you eat less, it consumes the body's muscles and visceral arrangements, it is necessary to eat accurate and meet the "quantity" and "quality" of the protein, Amount should be 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, to learn the high quality of animal physiology of high protein foods.

2, learn to meet the heat

In the constraints of protein absorption, in order to avoid the lack of calorie, will increase the production of nitrogenous waste, you can eat more calories and low protein foods to make up. Vegetable oil such as: soybean, peanut oil, low-protein starches such as: Cheng Fen, white powder, lotus root starch, and sugar such as: rock sugar, honey, ginger sugar, fruit sugar to create all kinds of delicious snacks, Weight 30 to 40 kcal, to avoid weight loss too.

3, beware of the loss of water

When the kidneys fail and urination is reduced, the water will accumulate in the body, the cardiovascular system load increases, there will be no vitality, systemic edema, weight gain, cough, lying down and shortness of breath, hematocrit HCT decreased, and complicated by high blood pressure, Heart failure, pericarditis, and due to dehydration over dialysis, prone to headache, heart, vomiting, muscle cramps and other unbalanced syndrome.

4, pay attention to the manipulation of salt

Renal failure can not discharge water, salt, simply lead to edema and exacerbate high blood pressure. The patient should not eat more than 5 grams of salt a day. 1 g 1/5 teaspoon salt = 6/5 teaspoon soy sauce = 1 teaspoon MSG, so the seasonings contain salt do not increase at will.

5, prevent potassium ion is too high

Because potassium ions can not be excreted by the severely damaged kidneys, hyperkalemia may result. Paralysis, tiredness, weakness in the limbs, boredom in the chest, stiffening of the tongue, difficulty speaking, unconsciousness, or irregular heartbeat or cardiac arrest may result.

Symptoms of kidney failure

1, anemia: Renal failure lead to decreased erythropoietin, patients will have fatigue and other symptoms of anemia.

2, fractures: renal failure lead to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism activity of vitamin D3 is reduced, the patient is easy to fracture.

3, hypoglycemia: renal failure when the kidneys can not effectively inactivate insulin in the body, some of the original diabetic patients with high blood sugar will appear hypoglycemia symptoms.

4, male "female": Kidney failure when the kidneys can not inactivate the body of estrogen, many men will appear breast enlargement, body hair reduction and other feminized symptoms.

5, nosebleeds: renal failure leading to hypothyroidism, causing patients often nosebleeds.

What are the symptoms of renal failure? What are the symptoms of acute renal failure?

6, heart failure: renal failure in patients with toxins and acidosis inhibited myocardial contractility and diastolic capacity to induce heart failure.

Acute renal failure classification

Prerenal: refers to the lack of blood supply to the kidneys, renal parenchymal perfusion caused by reduced ARF, but at this time kidney tissue has not occurred organic damage.

Renal: Refers to ARF caused by urinary tract obstruction.

Renal: refers to a variety of renal tissue lesions caused ARF. Renal ARF according to the main lesion can be divided into six categories: tubular ARF (such as acute tubular necrosis), renal interstitial ARF (such as acute interstitial nephritis), glomerular ARF (such as radical nephritis Or severe acute nephritis) and renal vascular ARF (including renal vasculitis such as microscopic polyangitis and Wegener's granulomatosis, and renal microangiopathy such as hemolytic uremic syndrome), the four ARF are more common. In addition there are acute renal cortical necrosis and acute renal papillary necrosis caused by ARF, but less common.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



