Top 10 therapeutic treatment of acute glomerulonephritis

Speaking of acute glomerulonephritis, there should be a lot of people with little understanding of acute glomerulonephritis, and even many people have not heard of acute glomerulonephritis. You Xiaobian today to tell us about the etiology of acute glomerulonephritis and acute glomerulonephritis treatment, I hope these for everyone to understand the acute glomerulonephritis help.

Acute glomerulonephritis

First, the cause
The disease often due to β-hemolytic streptococcus "caused by nephritis" (common for group A 12, etc.) caused by infection, common in upper respiratory tract infection, scarlet fever, skin infections and other streptococcus infection. The severity of the infection is not exactly the same as the occurrence of acute nephritis and the severity of the lesion. The disease is mainly caused by the immune response caused by infection.

Second, the performance of symptoms

Acute glomerulonephritis is mostly in the child's body, that appears in children who will have any symptoms? Here we look at it.

1, acute nephritis general cases of edema, oliguria, hematuria, blood pressure higher than 130 / 80mmhg (17.3 / 10.7kpa).

2, children suffering from acute glomerulonephritis, often there will be fatigue, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, and some patients will appear abdominal pain symptoms.

3, severe cases may be associated with complications such as circulating congestion, hypertensive encephalopathy, acute renal insufficiency.

Third, the introduction of treatment

Acute nephritis in the acute phase to give timely and reasonable treatment and care, the general is better after healing.

1, antibiotic control of antibiotics on the disease itself is not the role, but can remove the residual staphylococcus lesions, the clinical commonly used penicillin or erythromycin 7 to 10 days.

2, the treatment of acute glomerulonephritis, you can use drugs for treatment, such as furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide and so on.

3, blood pressure rest limit water, salt, the use of diuretic, antihypertensive drugs, commonly used captopril, nifedipine, reserpine.

4, acute renal failure should limit the amount of fluid.

Fourth, the key explanation

1, eating acute eating low salt (salt 2g / d), low protein (protein content less than 4mg / d), high calorie diet, restricted salted food, beans, animal food. Hypertension, heart failure, severe edema were given salt-free diet. Normal blood pressure, no swollen or to the general diet.

2, onset 2 to 3 weeks and edema, hypertension should be absolutely bed rest, until the naked eye hematuria disappeared, normal blood pressure, edema subsided can be appropriate activities, activities to indoor is appropriate.

3, review the time and indications after a monthly review of urinary routine once discharged, until the urine normal. Once the emergence of hematuria or proteinuria, early treatment.

Fifth, special account

1, in a fixed time to measure blood pressure, observe the blood pressure in children, diastolic blood pressure greater than 90mmhg (10.6kpa) should be antihypertensive drugs.

2, observe the edema subsided, daily weight measurement, recording urine output or access. Into the amount of 400ml / m2 (body surface area) plus daily urine output and other lost liquid (such as vomiting, diarrhea) to calculate.

3, to strengthen personal hygiene in children, keep the skin dry, clean and oral cleaning.

4, the room clean and comfortable, reduce the visit, especially to avoid contact with people suffering from cold, to prevent infection in children, aggravate the condition.

5, the emergence of upper respiratory tract infection or skin infection, should be timely and thorough treatment, and 2 to 3 weeks after infection follow-up urine routine, with a view to timely detection of nephritis.

Acute glomerulonephritis What are the symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis What are the symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis

Therapeutic method of acute glomerulonephritis

(1) Chixiaodou melon burning mullet

Fresh mullet a, to the scales and offal, even leather melon 500 grams, 50 grams of red bean, onion 3, the amount of water, no salt, soup, sub-take several times.

(2) carp porridge

Carp 1, 30 grams of rice. Carp to scale offal, wash, and rice plus water amount, cook for 1 hour, graded to eat.

(3) melon garlic red bean paste

Melon half, to the flesh, melon seeds, into the garlic 60 grams, red beans 30 grams, boiling water for two hours, juice drink.

(4) shepherd's purse egg soup

100 grams of dried shepherd's purse (dry goods 30 grams), washed, add water 3 bowls, fry to 1 bowl when the egg 1 (peeled mix), cooked, drink soup to eat eggs, 1 or 2 times a day. Treatment of acute nephritis in children with hematuria symptoms.

(5) shepherd's purse porridge

100 grams of fresh shepherd's purse (dry goods 50 grams), washed chopped, with 50 grams of rice porridge, one day finished eating. Treatment of acute nephritis in children with edema hematuria.

(6) watermelon candlestone soup

Watermelon skin 60 grams, 75 grams of fresh Rhizoma Imperatae, add water amount, Jiantang drink, 2 times a day.

(7) garlic steamed watermelon

Garlic 30 to 45 grams, a watermelon (about 1500 grams), first in the watermelon skin to dig a triangle hole, garlic peeled into the watermelon, and then dug up the melon skin plug hole, the hole up with a tile dish cover Well, boiled water cooked. Eat hot garlic and flesh, one day finished eating.

(8) Chixiaodou melon pots raw fish

Fresh raw fish 1 (about 100 to 150 grams), to scale and offal, even leather melon 250 grams, red bean 30 grams, add onion three, the amount of water, soup to take, do not add salt.

(9) light heart flower carp porridge

Light heart flower 5 pick, carp 1 to 2, 30 grams of rice, boiled gruel food, for children with acute nephritis spleen deficiency edema. Generally 2 to 4 times markedly.

(10) Yi Zhu drink

Motherwort, pearl grass, plantain 30 grams each, a day, decoction sub-service two times.

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