Often bloating hiccup how to do 8 strokes to solve the problem of flatulence

Gastrointestinal flatulence is caused by digestive disorders, as long as the correction of eating habits can be improved.
The reason for bloating hiccups
1, mental and emotional effects, such as trouble, angry, worry and so on.
2, diet is not section, free food cold fruit or sticky and difficult to digest and other things, resulting in damage to the spleen and stomach.
3, too little water or too little fiber intake of food caused by constipation flatulence.
4, life is not normal work and rest. May also be regular quantitative, causing the intestinal tract is too hungry or too satiety, leading to abnormal intestinal movements, long-term can make the gastrointestinal burden is too heavy.
5, the pressure is too large directly affect the physiological function is
abnormal intestinal function.

Often bloating hiccup how to do
1, control diet
First of all, the choice of food, pay attention to food with some food together will cause indigestion, thereby increasing the bloating, so need to try to avoid, such as protein and starch, vegetables and fruits together, the milk should not eat with three meals at the same time, Sugar should not be combined with protein starch. Followed by the appropriate drink some vinegar, the general a spoon of apple cider vinegar plus a glass of water, when drinking, help digestion, can quickly relieve bloating symptoms.

2, drink rice soup
Rice soup and barley porridge on flatulence, exhaust and heartburn and other diseases effective. Add 5 servings of water to a portion of rice (millet or barley) and boil for 10 minutes. Cover the lid and then simmer for 50 minutes. Filter, cool, drink several times a day.

3, to avoid flatulence food
The main reason for the flatulence is the digestive system can not absorb certain types of carbohydrates, beans easily lead to flatulence, cabbage, green cauliflower, onion, white cauliflower, whole wheat flour, white radish, banana, etc. are also prone to flatulence.

4, eat high-fiber foods
While high fiber foods are good for health, some high-fiber vegetables and fruits may increase the exhaust. If you want to increase the amount of fiber in the diet to maintain health, should start from a small amount, so that the intestines gradually adapt, so you can reduce flatulence.

5, appropriate massage
In a clockwise direction, in the upper abdomen near the stomach to rubbing friction, until the stomach Department of feeling comfortable.

6, taking help digestive drugs
Such as yeast tablets, multi-enzyme tablets, Bao and pills, stomach digestion tablets and so on.

7, appropriate to move around
As the saying goes, "after dinner, walk, can live ninety nine". Exercise is the best way to help digestion, and family can go out for a walk, shopping, should not eat a meal to lie down.

8, to keep a good mood
Angry, emotional tension can also lead to abdominal fullness, flank pain, belching and so on, so keep a happy mood is very important.

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