Kidney disease diet regimen principle

Diet is the source of nutrients supply to the body is to maintain the growth and development of the human body indispensable conditions, and improper diet is one of the risk factors, so a reasonable diet can improve health and accelerate the recovery of the disease. According to the characteristics of patients with kidney disease, the diet should be noted that the following aspects:

   First, the protein intake For patients with chronic renal insufficiency need to limit the amount of protein intake, which can reduce blood nitrogen retention, reduce the burden on the kidneys, thus delaying the progression of chronic renal failure. It is generally recommended that daily intake of protein 0.4-0.6g / kg body weight, should use high-quality protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and other animal protein, including essential amino acids higher, and in vivo
decomposition of less nitrogen-containing substances Plant protein such as soy products, corn, flour, rice and other essential amino acids contained less, more non-essential amino acids, biological potency is low, it is called "low-quality protein," should be appropriate limits. For patients with nephrotic syndrome protein intake also have certain requirements, neither strict control of protein intake, but also can not be overemphasized high-protein diet, because the continued low plasma protein can make resistance decreased, prone to infection, repeated edema, Aggravate the condition, and high-protein diet can cause glomerular hyperfiltration, a long time to promote glomerular sclerosis. Currently advocating normal renal function in patients with nephrotic syndrome, daily intake of protein to 1g / kg body weight is appropriate, but also to high-quality protein-based.

   Second, the salt intake If kidney disease patients without edema or hypertension do not have salt, with the same as the normal daily salt intake 10 grams, limiting salt intake mainly for patients with edema and hypertension, because Does not limit the salt can increase sodium retention, edema is difficult to subside, causing high blood pressure. Generally daily control salt in 2-3 grams, oliguria, elevated potassium should limit the amount of potassium intake.

   Third, the water intake of kidney disease patients without urinary edema without the need to control the intake of water, the main edema patients should be based on the amount of urine and edema to grasp the extent of water intake, in general and Say, if the edema is obvious, in addition to eating outside, the water intake is best limited to 500-800ml / day is more appropriate. After suffering from urinary tract infection, in order to avoid and reduce the bacteria in the urinary tract stay and reproduction, patients should drink more water, ground urination, in order to achieve the purpose of frequent irrigation bladder and urethra.

   Patients with urolithiasis should also drink plenty of water, as reduced urine output is one of the major causes of urolithiasis. A large number of drinking water can dilute the urine crystal concentration, to avoid excessive urine concentration, reducing the chance of precipitation, the general requirements of daily drinking water 2400-3000ml, so that daily urine output maintained at 2000-2400ml above. Increased urine output can promote the discharge of small stones, while urinary dilution can also slow the rate of stone growth and prevent the recurrence of stones after surgery.

   Nephropathy patients should not eat spicy food and sea fishy substances, such as geese, roosters, pig meat, octopus, yellow croaker, etc., eat fried food, quit alcohol and tobacco, edema should eat more radish, melon, watermelon, black beans , Loofah, etc. See also hematuria, should eat lotus root, Rhizoma Imperatae, peanuts, eggplant; with hypertension should eat celery, spinach, fungus, bean sprouts, corn and so on.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



