Diabetic nephropathy can survive long diabetic nephropathy diet

In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, patients with diabetes have significantly increased, and the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is also increasing year by year. According to statistics, in our country, there is 1 case of diabetic nephropathy in every 3 diabetic patients, showing that diabetic nephropathy is not so few as we imagined. Diabetic nephropathy is already present in 5% to 10% of patients with type 2 diabetes at diagnosis. In the face of such a high incidence of the disease, many patients will ask if they have a diabetic nephropathy will die?

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common and damaging complications of diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy is the most common underlying disease in all patients with diabetic nephropathy who have advanced into renal insufficiency and require kidney transplant or dialysis.

Diabetic nephropathy will die?

As early diabetic nephropathy and no obvious clinical symptoms manifested, when the corresponding symptoms such as proteinuria, eyelid edema, fundus lesions, the patient has entered the more advanced stage. In the event of diabetic nephropathy, there will be a progressive deterioration of the trend. With the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic patients may also appear high blood pressure, body edema, hypoalbuminemia and so on. With the progress of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic patients will eventually develop diabetic renal failure, uremia.

Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, to understand the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy:

Active prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections: diabetic patients with reduced resistance to infection, easy to merge pyelonephritis, increased renal damage, a small number of patients may even occur acute renal papillary necrosis, renal failure. Diabetes associated with pyelonephritis clinical manifestations can be atypical, no severe urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, no fever, only mild urinary discomfort and low back pain. Diabetes and diabetic nephropathy are all life-long associated diseases such as diabetes and diabetic nephropathy, the condition is not well controlled, then patients with renal hypertension will continue to exist, aggravating the treatment of diabetic nephropathy Difficulty, but also threaten the long-term survival of diabetic patients a major factor.

Reminder: Got Diabetic Nephropathy will choose the best treatment, coupled with careful care of daily life, diabetic nephropathy is not enough to fear. Suggest that as long as the early detection of diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetic nephropathy, choose the best treatment, coupled with careful care of daily life, diabetic nephropathy is not enough to fear.

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