Serious nephrotic syndrome caused by nephrotic syndrome

When nephrotic syndrome occurs, patients with nephropathy will develop a series of complications, edema, hyperlipidemia, anemia and so on. These symptoms indicate a decrease in the body's resistance and a dramatic change in the body's immune regulatory system, which can lead to abnormal protein expression in the body leading to hypoproteinemia. Nephrotic syndrome hypoproteinemia not only directly affects the body's protein needs, but also the body has other aspects of the impact. The human body is a complex body, its various symptoms are interrelated and influence each other.

Due to the excretion of large amounts of proteinuria, insufficient supply of synthetic liver protein results in hypoalbuminemia. The appearance of this phenomenon is very serious harm of nephrotic syndrome. A decrease in blood protein leads to a decrease in the plasma colloid osmotic pressure, an imbalance in colloid osmotic pressure, an outflow of water from the plasma and accumulation in the tissues and body cavities, leading to a high degree of edema in the human body. At the same time, in the plasma water spill, the blood volume of water decreased to participate in the effective circulation of blood volume is not enough, therefore, reduced blood in the blood, it will lead to high blood viscosity, thrombosis easily lead to kidney Ischemia and hypoxia. The appearance of these symptoms will aggravate the process of kidney disease.

The incidence of nephrotic syndrome, a disease of this kind in children, is very high and can have a very detrimental effect on the child's growth. Therefore, in the event of some symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, they should immediately go to the hospital for medical treatment

Causes nephrotic syndrome for the following reasons:

1, infection, found in streptococcal nephritis, bacterial endocarditis, shunt nephritis, leprosy, syphilis, tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis with reflux nephropathy, etc .; viral infections found in hepatitis B, cytomegalovirus, Infectious mononucleosis syndrome, human immunodeficiency virus; parasitic infections found in malaria parasites, toxoplasmosis, worms, schistosomiasis, filariasis.

2, drugs or poisoning, allergic organic or inorganic mercury, organic gold and silver, penicillamine, diaspore morphine, probenecid, NSAIDs, trimethadione and other drugs; bee sting, snake venom; pollen, vaccine , Antitoxin and other allergies.

3, tumor lung, stomach, colon, breast, ovary, thyroid and other tumors, leukemia and lymphoma, Willm tumor.

4, systemic diseases systemic lupus erythematosus, mixed connective tissue disease, dermatomyositis, Sjogren's syndrome, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, amyloidosis and so on.

5, metabolic diseases diabetes, thyroid disease.

6, hereditary diseases congenital nephrotic syndrome, Alport syndrome, Fabry disease, sickle cell anemia, nail-stapes syndrome, lipodystrophy, familial nephrology and so on.

7, other eclampsia, chronic renal allograft rejection, malignant nephrosclerosis, renal artery stenosis and so on.

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