How best kidney fast 4 good habit to keep you away from kidney disease

Kidney is an important organ of the human body, if the kidney function is not good, a lot of waste is difficult to excrete from the urine, the body will go wrong. In fact, the best way to kidney and kidney is to develop good habits, from all aspects of foot measures to prevent kidney disease!

 How best kidney fast 4 good habit to keep you away from kidney disease
1, do not eat high salt food
Diet is the basis for people to survive, health care, scientific and reasonable diet can make people have a healthy body, on the contrary, unscientific, unreasonable diet will hurt the body. Now the society, people's diet more and more attention to meticulous, exquisite food is undoubtedly excellent, and on the taste, heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy spicy food, has become a lot of people like to eat food.

The five flavors of food, if too much biased in a certain kind, then it is undoubtedly a bad thing, heavy salt food people like. But do not want to eat a long time salty heavier food, not only will hurt the body, the kidney will cause great harm.

The number of edible salt should be controlled within a certain range, scientific salt intake, up to 6g per day can, and this number can also health care body, but when eating too much, it will hurt the body. This situation is the traditional Chinese medicine that the kidney bone marrow, the body's bones and kidneys are related to a long time eating salty food will damage the bones.

In the five elements of the five organs of the relationship, the kidney is a fire, the heart is heart, kidney fullness can suppress people's heart qi, causing palpitations, shortness of breath, etc., for breathing have a certain impact, which will affect the heart beating. Cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. Typically, 80% of kidney patients, but also hypertensive patients, which requires people to pay special attention. In the daily diet, it is best to eat light food, in order to health care body.

 How best kidney fast 4 good habit to keep you away from kidney disease
2, massage the waist
In the life of the waist massage can also be a good kidney, in the Chinese medicine seems "waist for the kidney of the House," the waist is the kidney where the waist health affect the operation of the kidney, while the kidney can determine a good or bad waist Whether it is healthy. Some doctors will say "kidney qi deficiency, waist will be pain carry on". Protect the waist to protect the kidneys, then the protection of the waist, may wish to massage, waist two points for the kidneys have a strong stimulating effect, one of which is Shenshu points.

We are in the belt when the belt and lumbar cross the place up about 5 cm place is Shenshu points, the point of people can use the palm of your hand on the above, strength from light to heavy, can continue to stimulate the blood circulation. Kidney blood in the people when the massage can continue to flow, for the nourishing kidney, relieve lumbar muscle strain also have some help. Thus, in life, may wish to massage the waist to effectively help kidney.

3, pinch ear
In fact, in our ears, there are many points and kidney contact, massage the ear, for the kidney also has a very good help. Some common kidney disease can be revealed in the ears, often massage the ear can play the role of kidney and kidney.
Massage the ear, the easiest way is to pull the screen, his hands on the inside of the ear screen, with the index finger, thumb to pull, each time control in 3 minutes, for the treatment of headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, tinnitus have a certain help. You can gently wipe your ears with your fingers, ears, this time will be issued a "buzzing" sound, each time 30, do 5 times a day, can be a good physical and healthy kidney.
You can also put two hands on the rub, aware of the palm of your hand, the palm of your hand tightly attached to the front of the ear, this method can be a good way to clear the meridians, for the kidneys, the body organs have a better health care. Thus, in life can massage the ears to help the body kidney.

4, not chaos medicine
Aware of lack of energy, many people will choose to take medicine, want kidney, will choose to take medicine. Life, there are many types of drugs, kidney drugs also have some, but a long time to take medicine, or, random medicine, will hurt the body.

In the elderly, with age, the ability to regulate renal function has weakened, the drug will be more sensitive to arteriosclerosis is a cause of impaired renal function. For the elderly, do not take medicine, to check the urine, renal function.

Eat the body of the drug needs to be absorbed, but also for metabolism, but for some kidney patients, the original kidney is a problem, this time metabolic slowdown, it will affect the operation of the kidney. At the same time, the residues in the drug will be deposited in people's blood vessels, resulting in cardiovascular hardening, affecting renal blood vessels, can cause renal arteriosclerosis, affecting renal function. Causing kidney tissue blocked. Thus, in life, not to take medicine can also be a good protection of the kidneys.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



