What to eat vegetables can be laxative

Constipation is a painful and embarrassing thing, and long-term constipation may lead to accumulation of toxins in the body, can not be discharged, causing a variety of diseases. So what is the constipation to eat? Constipation how to prevent the treatment of constipation, what are the therapeutic side? Look at the following article.

What food to eat in the constipation

1, celery

Celery is rich in crude fiber, often eat celery can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis conducive to defecation.

2, sweet potato (sweet potato)

Sweet and warm, can bowel laxative, stomach Qi. Contains more cellulose, can absorb moisture in the intestine to increase the volume of feces, causing laxative effect.

3, water chestnuts

Water chestnuts raw cold is more obvious, mainly with heat phlegm, laxative effect, suitable for cough sputum, throat thirst, sore throat, stool fever and other symptoms of patients eat.

As the water chestnuts are cold food, so the spleen and stomach Deficiency and blood deficiency should not eat. Healthy people should not be long-term consumption, so as to avoid cold gas damage the body's yang. In addition, water chestnuts contain more starch, diabetic patients should also Shensi.

4, walnut

Walnut kernel powder, protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, β-carotene, riboflavin, in addition to laxative, there are kidney essence, warm lung Dingchuan function, can cure kidney deficiency and cough, Low back pain foot, impotence nocturnal emission, urine frequency, dry stool and so on.

Long-term use, better efficacy, and no side effects. Suffering from constipation in the elderly may wish to try.

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