What food is healthy to children

Children want to be healthy should pay attention to the daily life of the diet, balance the body nutrition, in order to better enhance the child's health immunity, some food can improve brain memory, for children's treatment development is very helpful, so in the usual diet arrangements To focus on balanced nutrition, food with a reasonable, in order to be more conducive to good health, what food is healthy for children.

What food is healthy to children
1, to promote the child's brain development of food: salmon
Salmon is a fatty acids rich in fish, eat salmon can add brain growth and improve brain function required for omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. In fact, recent studies have shown that the daily diet supplemented with rich fatty acids is conducive to clear mind.

Salmon cuisine recipe: Salmon sandwich instead of tuna sandwich, the practice is very simple, with salmon canned mixed with low-fat mayonnaise or skimmed yogurt, with raisins, chopped celery, carrots caught in the whole wheat bread can be completed.

Xiao Bian proposal: If your child likes, you can add a little mustard. You can refer to your family like the taste of the child making.
2, what food is healthy for children? Increase the memory of children's food: eggs
As we all know, eggs are an important source of protein, egg yolk rich in choline is conducive to the development of memory.
Egg Cooking Recipe: Send your child to school to prepare a homemade egg pancake breakfast, or try to eat a week of fried eggs with bread nutritious breakfast. You can also make a homemade egg fort at home, the practice is very simple, in the poached egg baked on an English muffin plus a low-fat cheese can be completed.

3, to improve the brain function of food: peanut butter
Peanut and peanut butter are rich in vitamin E, and vitamin E contains antioxidants that protect the nerve membrane and the addition of thiamine to the glucose required to supplement the brain's energy.

Peanut Sauce Recipe: Make a peanut butter and banana sandwiches, dipped in apple slices with peanut butter, or make some of your favorite salads.

4, to promote children's brain development of food: grain
The brain needs to continue to add glucose, and grains such as spades of fiber helps to regulate the glucose into the body of the child, whole grains are also rich in B vitamins, can add the health of the nervous system nutrition.
Whole grain cereal recipe: try to make a sandwich with whole wheat bread, or try to make a whole wheat pizza, taste quite good Oh!

5, increase the memory of children's food: oatmeal
Oats provide excellent energy for the brain, and the children should eat oats every morning for the first meal.
Oat is rich in cellulose, can keep the children in the morning school in the school brain energy required. Oats are also an important source of vitamin E and are rich in vitamin B, potassium and zinc for our body and brain.

Oatmeal Recipes: Add oats to apples, cinnamon, and you can add oats and fruits to soy milk.

6, to improve the brain function of food: berries
Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries ... usually, the more bright the color of berries, the higher the nutrient contained.
Berries contain high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which can even help prevent cancer.
Studies have shown that strawberry and blueberry extracts help to improve memory. Eat berries can really get a lot of nutrition, berries, there is a good development of the brain omega-3 fat.

Berry Cuisine Recipe: Slices like sweet cherries or strawberries can be eaten.
The above is for everyone to introduce what food is healthy for children, we should be cautious about the daily diet health care, reasonable arrangements for eating, eat less vegetables eat meat, the health is more good.

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