There are 6 things you need to know about the Christmas meal

Americans spend Christmas decorating their homes, decorating their Christmas trees, stuffing their socks with presents, eating Turkey - based Christmas dishes and having a family dance.
There is also a special food at the Christmas dinner - the ripening corn porridge, topped with cream and some fruit, sweet and flavorful.

The British Christmas feast is very rich, including Turkey, Christmas pudding, and mince pies.
The pie is a traditional British Christmas, New Year sweets, stuffing is very rich, with fruit and spices, crunchy wrapped in puff pastry shell very sweet fruit and jam, home is fragrant after baking at home.

The French have a romantic nature, and even the food is romantic.
It was said that a young man who could not afford Christmas gifts had picked up a piece of wood from the forest and gave it to his lover.
Since then, the tree-trunk cake has become a symbol of good luck, and the French have the necessary Christmas.

Germany's most famous Christmas food is Gingersnap gingerbread, a small dot between cakes and cookies.
Traditional gingerbread is made of honey and pepper, which is sweet and spicy.

The italians ate panadoni Christmas cake at Christmas time.
The panadoni cake was plain, but it was filled with dried fruits such as raisins and candied fruit, soft and delicious and fragrant.
And italians like to eat a cake, which they feel can enhance communication and affection.

Danes at the beginning of the Christmas dinner, must eat a almond pudding, and then began to eat something else, if who can eat only whole almond, who will be one of the best luck in the coming year.
People usually keep the whole almond in the bowl of the smallest child and make the child happy.

The swedes think Christmas is a great day to enjoy the good food.
They will prepare a table of delicious food, invite friends and relatives, and eat together.
Ham, cake, sweet rice porridge and brown bread chowder are essential.

Australia's tropical fruit, seafood, cheese and wine are sure to make Christmas very rich, and the Christmas barbecue party is definitely enjoyable and enjoyable.

Tips for Christmas eating:
1. Variety collocation.
Less meat and more refined, mainly lean;
Eat roughage, fiber, and help with digestion.
2. Snacks.
Eat more apples, pears, bananas and less candy and chocolate.
3. Tobacco and alcohol separate.
Make sure the table doesn't smoke, smoking doesn't drink.
4. Cooking is mainly steamed, with less frying and barbecue.
5. Have oatmeal chocolate cake or drink some milk at night.
6. Check nutrition labels carefully when shopping and try to choose low-fat foods.

There are 6 things you need to know about the Christmas meal



