What kidney disease is easy to uremia

1, what kidney disease is easy to uremia
In a variety of kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease, radical nephritis, amyloidosis nephropathy, and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, these prognoses are not very good, are prone to renal dysfunction. Different nephropathy, renal dysfunction rate is not the same, the most serious kidney disease is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, if nephrotic syndrome (a large number of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, a high degree of edema, Hyperlipidemia, etc.) performance, the fastest renal damage. Without treatment, urethritis develops in six or seven years. Another is the rapid deterioration of the disease is membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, there is no effective treatment, about ten years later it will develop into uremia.

2, how to diagnose uremia
In the early stages of chronic renal insufficiency, only the clinical symptoms of primary disease, only in the examination showed decreased creatinine clearance. Of these patients with decompensated uremia often under stress conditions, sudden deterioration of renal function, and uremia symptoms (ie, the clinical manifestations of the various systems described above), clinically known as reversible uremia, but once </s> should Excitant factors, renal function can often be restored to compensatory phase. If the disease develops to "healthy" nephrons can not meet the minimum requirements of the body, even without stress factors, uremic symptoms will gradually show up. The uremic damage of various systems may not all be shown in different patients, the symptoms of uremia may not be the same, the symptoms of each system has its own time is not the same.

3, uremia symptoms
Gas exhaled in patients with urine, which is due to bacterial decomposition of urea in saliva to form ammonia; excessive body fluid may be shortness of breath, shortness of breath; acidosis, patients with slow and deep breathing, you can see the specificity of acidosis Kussmaul breathing (deep breathing). Hyperacidity, cardiac insufficiency can cause pulmonary edema or pleural effusion; increased permeability of alveolar capillary induced by uremic toxins, pulmonary congestion can cause "uremic pulmonary edema," when lung x-ray examination can occur " Butterfly wing "sign, timely diuresis or dialysis can rapidly improve the above symptoms; fibrinous pleurisy is caused by urea-induced inflammation; lung calcification is the deposition of calcium phosphate in the lung tissue.

How to prevent uremia
1, drink less carbonated drinks
The main components of carbonated drinks sugar, pigments, flavors and carbonated water, in addition to heat, almost no nutritional content. Foreign studies show that excessive consumption of carbonated drinks will increase the risk of kidney stones, kidney failure and other kidney diseases. Whether it is a sugary or non-sugar carbonated drink, drinking two or more bottles a day of carbonated drinks increases the risk of developing chronic kidney disease by a factor of two.

2, pay attention to kidney disease into uremia
Kidney disease can easily lead to uremia, so patients with kidney disease should be treated promptly, to actively apply antibiotics. Chronic kidney disease caused by uremia have been reduced. However, the rates of uremia in primary and genetic kidney diseases such as chronic nephritis, polycystic kidney disease and Alport syndrome are on the rise. Therefore, patients with kidney disease have timely treatment, will reduce the incidence of uremia.

3, urinary tract infection should be treated promptly
Many people tend to think that urinary tract infections are a minor ailments that need not be trivial. In fact, urinary tract infections such as improper treatment can cause retrograde infection of bacteria, and then damage the nephrons, affecting the progressive decline in renal function, leading to uremia. According to statistics, urinary tract infection for how urinary tract infection can lead to many people are puzzled, in our country, chronic pyelonephritis caused uremia accounted for 21.2%, is an important factor leading to uremia.

Uremia risk
Hazard to the cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular disease is the ubiquitous cause of death. Visible high blood pressure, heart failure, atherosclerosis and pericarditis. Endocrine disorders: plasma renin can be normal or elevated calcitriol decreased erythropoietin decreased. Respiratory system performance: acidosis is deep and long breathing. Excess fluid can cause pulmonary edema. Uremic toxins can cause uremic pneumonia, these are the dangers of uremia.

Hurt the nerves
This is a typical condition of uremia during the continuous development of the disease. The central manifestation is unresponsiveness, depression, irritability, excitement, convulsions, lethargy and coma. Peripheral performance for the performance of four weeks of neurodegeneration and other diseases, skin allergies, burning pain, limb weakness and mobility disorders.

Easy to concurrent infection
Uremic patients complicated by infection, the most common pulmonary infection, fever is not prominent, its easy to infection and the body immune dysfunction, abnormal white blood cell function. Metabolism and others: hypothermia, abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, hyperuricemia, dyslipidemia.

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