what is the food for kidney failure?

1, low protein foods

Due to the decreased glomerular filtration rate and the causes of chronic renal failure in patients with chronic renal failure, the ability of the kidneys to excrete and metabolize waste is diminished, resulting in a waste of protein catabolism remaining in the blood, which is detrimental to health. Low-protein diet can reduce the production and accumulation of protein metabolites, thereby reducing the metabolic pressure on the kidneys and slowing the pace of renal failure, which is also the main means of non-dialysis treatment of patients with chronic renal insufficiency.

Low protein diet methods:

Patients with renal failure should limit the protein diet, low protein diet can reduce urinary protein excretion, delay renal failure, reduce azotemia, improve metabolic acidosis, reduce insulin resistance, improve glucose metabolism, improve lipid metabolism, reduce hyperparathyroidism Etc., for the treatment of chronic kidney disease is very beneficial. However, low-protein diet should be personalized, and pay attention to nutrition indicators (such as serum albumin, total protein), to avoid malnutrition.

2, low potassium and sodium food

Small amount of urine or dialysis, high blood potassium in patients with chronic renal failure often lead to arrhythmia, sudden death due to high potassium, it is necessary to strictly control the intake of potassium, eat less high potassium foods such as pears, bananas, etc. . Severe hypertension, edema or high blood sodium in patients with sodium intake should also be controlled.

3, low-phosphorus high-calcium foods

Chronic renal failure patients will eventually appear high phosphorus and low calcium, so to control phosphorus intake, add more calcium and vitamins to prevent kidney disease.

4, high-calorie food

The body needs energy to maintain its normal functioning, and our energy comes mostly from protein, fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure to eat some high-calorie foods to ensure the necessary energy every day.

High-calorie diet:

(High-calorie foods include meat, cream, fish oil, vegetable oil, fine grains (wheat, rice, glutinous rice), starch, sugars, honey, etc. Patients with chronic renal failure should have high calorie diet, adequate intake of carbohydrates and Fat, to provide enough calories to the body to reduce the heat provided by the protein and decomposition, so the high-calorie diet can make low-protein diet nitrogen is fully utilized to reduce the consumption of protein libraries in vivo and reduce the production of toxins.

Second, patients with renal failure therapeutic side:

1, Senate Soup: ginseng longan meat, a total of cooked orally, chronic anemia in patients with renal insufficiency, heart palpitations, those who have the effect of nourishing the nerves.

2, Senate soup: ginseng red dates, a total of cooked orally. Chronic renal insufficiency patients with anemia, improve hemoglobin role.

3, millet jujube mountain porridge: millet, jujube, red bean, yam (fresh) the right amount, add water, boiled porridge, boil with appropriate amount of alkali. Often taken, patients with chronic renal failure anemia, spleen and water, and stomach nourishing effect.

4, mulberry honey cream: fresh mulberry, thick fried, add honey, used for chronic renal insufficiency, yin deficiency, insomnia, irritability.

5, five juice drink: fresh lotus root function of heat and cooling blood, fresh pear function Qingxin lungs and phlegm, function of fresh heat to cool blood, raw sugar cane function spleen and stomach, chopped, to disinfect gauze twist juice for chronic kidney Patients with incomplete nasal hemorrhage, sub-2-3 service finished.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



