The difference between renal atrophy and renal failure

1, the difference between renal atrophy and renal failure

Renal failure referred to as renal failure, is a clinical syndrome. It occurs in a variety of chronic kidney disease, based on the slow onset of renal failure and renal failure. Renal atrophy is a morphological term that states a condition that is smaller than normal kidneys.

Renal failure is not renal atrophy, but renal failure can lead to renal atrophy. Early kidney failure generally due to overloading the kidneys is increased, to the late, most of the nephron damage, most cities appear renal atrophy.

This is two different conditions, renal failure refers to abnormal renal function, can not be fully toxic substances excreted. Renal failure can be caused by many causes, some of which lead to a sharp drop in renal function (acute renal failure), while others cause a progressive decrease in kidney function (chronic renal failure).

Renal atrophy is a pathological anatomy, which means that the kidneys atrophy, the volume was significantly reduced, also known as terminal renal. At this time, patients with glomerular renal tubular atrophy, tubules have been most or all damage, the kidneys have lost their physiological function.

2, the clinical etiology of renal atrophy

Renal atrophy generally appears in the left kidney atrophy, right atrophy and renal atrophy symptoms. In general, the causes of renal atrophy are the following: First of all, we know that renal atrophy need to be considered congenital hypoplasia, followed by the end of renal disease that is considered, that renal failure, uremia or some acute illness. Such as: acute glomerular disease, diabetic nephroses, renal transplant rejection, chronic glomerulonephritis, renal cortical necrosis, Alport syndrome, acute tubular necrosis, hypertensive nephrosclerosis.

3, the clinical features of renal atrophy

3.1, contralateral renal compensatory increase uncommon, but the majority of renal blood flow increased.

3.3, renal artery stenosis with limb dorsal artery pulse weakening or disappearance is not common.

Treatment of renal atrophy
To solve the problem of how to treat renal atrophy, you need to explore the fundamental causes of renal atrophy. The kidney is attacked by the outside world, the inflammatory reaction occurs, and the phenotypic transformation of cells leads to the gradual occurrence and progression of renal fibrosis, so that the renal parenchyma is impaired and the kidneys also shrink. The treatment of renal atrophy should also focus on how to prevent the treatment of renal fibrosis, the establishment of this view and the spirit of the annual meeting coincide.

The difference between renal atrophy and renal failure
Treatment focus: repair damaged kidney tissue, restore renal function, prevent the progression of renal fibrosis, blocking the kidneys continue to shrink.

Specific principles of treatment are: to promote apoptosis of myofibroblasts and phagocytosis of immune complexes; reduce the synthesis of ECM increase its degradation, kidney damage may still be partially repaired, renal function can also be gradually restored, muscle into Apoptosis of fibrocytes and immune complexes, blocking its continued synthesis and secretion of increased ECM, increase the production of endogenous renal enzymes, enhance its degradation of ECM activity, reduce the damage of ECM on the kidneys, and gradually reverse the damaged kidneys Features.

Renal failure check
1, blood tests

Obvious anemia, normal cell anemia, normal or increased white blood cell count. Platelets reduce the rate of cell sedimentation faster.

The difference between renal atrophy and renal failure
2, urine routine examination

With the original disease varies. The common point is:

2.1, decreased urine osmolality: more than 450mosm per kilogram, after heavy low, mostly below 1.018, in severe cases fixed at between 1.010 to 1.012 for urine concentration dilution test night urine volume greater than the amount of urine, urine The proportion of more than 1.020, the highest and lowest urine specific gravity less than 0.008.

2.2, reduced urine output: more than 1000ml daily.

2.3, increased quantitative urinary protein: Late glomerular vast majority have been injured, urinary protein instead decreased.

2.4, urinary sediment examination: how many different ranges of red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells and granular tube, wax-like tube of the most meaningful.

3, blood biochemical tests

Reduced plasma albumin, low serum calcium, elevated serum phosphorus, serum potassium and serum sodium with the disease may be.

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