How To Prevent Urine Protein In Kidney Patients

How To Prevent Urine Protein In Kidney PatientsSome kidney patients consult us how to prevent urine protein. Their protein in urine has never been returned for many years.

In inflammatory reaction stage, proteinuria is easy to relapse. Each relapse means your condition becomes worse again. The cause of relapse is infection. Why do kidney patients tend to suffer from infection?

1. Malnutrition
There are two reasons for malnutrition. One is massive proteinuria and the other is unreasonable protein intake.
Kidney patients are told not to eat too much protein so as to avoid burdening your kidneys. Some patients give up meats. That is not correct. Protein is the core substance that makes up our body. Only a balanced diet of nutrients can give you better resistance to disease. Malnutrition will lead to immune system disorder and can not maintain your normal immune defense function. In this condition, infection is easy to occur. Therefore, proper protein intake is very important.

2. Medicines
Nephrotic Syndrome treatments requires steroids and immunosuppressants. But these medicines will inhibit your own immunity and cause a decreased defense ability. This can increase the risk of infection.
You should not give up reasonable and regular treatment. Steroids and immunosuppresants should combine together with Chinese medicine treatments. The combination of western medicines and Chinese medicines can treat Nephrotic Syndrome from the root.

3. Pathological cause
Kidney disease will cause low immune globulin and abnormal immune resistant function. This will also increase the risk of infection.
Kidney patients should take correct treatment for infection. In this way, your condition will be managed. No relapse occurs.



