What are the benefits of sun no longer resist the sun's eight reasons

"Sun treatment of all diseases," this argument is indeed some exaggeration, but the benefits of the sun really a lot of Chinese medicine, "mining day fine" argument. From a scientific point of view, the human body needs vitamin D, of which 90% need to rely on the sun and get. Here, let's take a look at the sun what the benefits of it!

The sun's eight major benefits
Benefits 1, reduce the incidence of depression

The study found that in adequate sunshine, the human adrenaline, thyroxine and gonadotropin secretion levels will be improved, which will effectively improve the depression, depression and other adverse psychological. China Mental Health Association senior psychological counselor Liu Baofeng pointed out that many people a winter and rainy weather will be insomnia, chest tightness, irritability. The reduction in sunshine time is one of the causes of seasonal affective disorder.

Benefits Second, enhance the body immunity
Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Graduate Professor Yang Li told reporters that the sun has yang qi, qi qi effect. Chinese medicine has "mining day fine" argument, is to collect the sun to send hair Qingyang of the gas. The body's normal organs function all rely on yang to support, yang filling, the body's ability to resist disease will improve. Righteousness is relative to the evils, the sun health and fitness, can enhance immunity.

Benefits of three, prevention of myopia
A study by the Australian National University pointed out that the lack of sun exposure may be one of the reasons leading to myopia. Researchers believe that sunlight can stimulate the formation of dopamine, and dopamine can help to avoid axial length, and thus prevent the light into the eye when focusing on the focus of distortion. Therefore, more sun, more to outdoor activities, can help "nerd" to reduce the risk of myopia.

Benefits of four, reduce the cold
A study by the Yale University School of Medicine found that constant sunning helps reduce the risk of influenza and other common respiratory diseases. Researchers believe that maintaining a high level of vitamin D in the body can better prevent sore throat, common colds and stuffy nose and other issues. People living in sunny areas are less likely to be infected with influenza than those who are less sunny.

Benefit five to protect the blood vessels health
A study published in the British Medical Journal found that people with low levels of vitamin D suffer from heart disease, heart failure and stroke are at higher risk. A number of studies have also confirmed that in the relatively lack of ultraviolet rays in winter, patients with myocardial infarction will be significantly increased. Appropriate sun will help vitamin D become more active, so that the body to reduce inflammation, the blood vessels more favorable.

The benefits of six, longevity longevity
Since 1980, Danish researchers conducted a study of 4.4 million Danish people for 26 years, and found that more than solar energy to extend life. Inge Vincent Clemente of the Danish Cancer Institute also believes that those who are often sunstroke are more likely to be healthy than those who stay at home or at the office.

Benefits 7, to enhance the level of hormones
One of the most affordable natural "Viagra" may be the sun. Researchers at the Graz Medical University in Austria found that the level of testosterone in the body varies with the fluctuation of vitamin D levels. Every year after the fall, the body of vitamin D and testosterone levels will be simultaneously decreased, and in March next year to a minimum. This is a little relationship with people sun. The study also said that the daily sun 1 hour, the body testosterone can increase 69%.

Benefits 8, reduce the risk of cancer
A study by the University of San Diego shows that women who live in lower latitudes have lower risk of developing ovarian cancer because of their long exposure to sunlight and high levels of vitamin D intake More conducive to anti-cancer.

Extended reading: the best time to sun
10 o'clock and four in the afternoon sun the best. 10 o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock the best sun. Because this time the sun in the low ultraviolet light, can make people feel warm and soft, can promote metabolism, and avoid harm to the skin, but the summer sun is relatively strong, it is best to advance the sun some time; 4 to 5 pm UV In the X beam composition, can promote calcium, phosphorus absorption, enhance physical fitness, promote bone normal calcification, is also a good "drying point."
Each time drying 15 to 20 minutes. Morning sun, standing in the environment better, open field of vision, facing the East, close your eyes, open arms, palm toward the sun, fingers slightly Shoulong, while deep breathing, repeated this action, drying 15 to 20 minutes better. After the sun can be rubbing his hands, massage the face, there is pure heart soothe the nerves, soothing fatigue effect. Afternoon sun, you can let the body back to the sun, you can also side edge beat, to help conditioning the five internal organs blood.
Summer to avoid the afternoon sun. Summer UV strong, the sun must avoid the afternoon, the time can be shortened to 15 minutes or less, to the principle of physical comfort, can not be forced. Autumn and winter sun to keep warm. Windy days should be less sun, so as to avoid cold.

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