How to adjust the cold hands and feet foot massage plus diet

The weather a cold, a lot of people asked how cold and hands conditioning, because some people even wear enough clothes, hands and feet will feel cold and cold, especially women. From the Chinese medicine that the cold hands and feet is mainly physically weak, poor blood circulation caused, so how cold and so cold hands and feet?

One, cold hands and feet how conditioning
1, eat foods containing niacin
Nicotinic acid for the stability of the nervous system and the circulatory system is helpful, but also improve the nervous tension, tension diarrhea, dermatitis, but also expand the peripheral blood vessels, improve hands and feet cold, if a large number of taking, but also facial red, hot The Nicotine acid in animal liver, eggs, milk, cheese, brown rice, whole wheat products, sesame, mushrooms, peanuts, mung beans, coffee, the content is very rich. In addition, vitamins B1, B2, B6 can help the synthesis of nicotine, would like to promote peripheral vascular dilation, add 30-60mg daily vitamin B group.

2, eat warm food
Such as ginseng tea, ginger duck, longan tea, black sesame seeds, sweet dumpling. Eat every day not only let the body warm, you can achieve replenishment, hands and feet can no longer cold. Chinese medicine in many drugs can improve and prevent cold hands and feet, such as ginseng, angelica, angelica, Salvia, North Qi, velvet, rabbit silk, Morinda officinalis, cinnamon, Cistanche, Curculigo, cinnamon, Guizhi, ephedra, Dried ginger, pepper, pepper, nutmeg, nutmeg.

3, eat nuts, fruit
Vegetables, such as leek, carrots, cabbage, spinach, etc .; fruit class of apricots, peaches, papaya, etc., are all kinds of nuts, such as nuts walnut, sesame seeds, pine nuts, etc .; The best choice for food, other such as beef, lamb, seafood, four gods, glutinous rice, brown rice, soybeans, tofu, sesame seeds, brown sugar ..., are warm food, cold hands and feet should be more choice of ingredients. To remind, easy to cold hands and feet, all year round to avoid eating cold food, ice or drink cold drinks, even if the summer weather and then heat, do not eat cold food.

4, eat spicy food
Pepper, pepper, mustard, garlic, green, curry and other spices, can promote blood circulation, the use of normal diet, with food, such as eating fried noodles, fried rice noodles when add some chili sauce; soup when more pepper; Dumplings, with bowl of hot and sour soup, virtually eat a lot of spices, remind: chili is rich in a lot of alkaline ingredients, spicy is actually burning sensation, often eat chili can not say no good, but the disadvantages are , Such as gastric ulcer patients, duodenal ulcer patients, all advocate ulcers, mouth ulcers, etc. do not eat chili, will increase the condition, do not eat cold cold pepper.

5, eat raisins
Raisins rich in iron, but also contains a variety of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, is the body of the poor anemia. Experts suggest that people can eat a raisin every day, about 30 to 40 grams, adhere to 15 days, to improve physical and mental anemia have a certain role. However, raisins contain higher sugar, diabetes should not eat, obese people should not eat more.

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