Mango eat more will get angry, but also lead to kidney disease! Is it really?

Mango relative to apples, pears, it is tropical fruit, we usually do not often eat. But now the living standards improved, mango has become a public fruit.
We all know that Apple potassium content is relatively high, for high potassium patients with kidney disease should not eat, then you know that mango nutrition is very rich, but not what people can enjoy?
What will happen if eating too much mangos?
1, eating mango may cause sun dermatitis, common in suffering from eczema, asthma, urticaria and so on these patients. If you eat mango, and then after the sun exposure, it will cause the recurrence of solar dermatitis.
2, the allergic constitution of the people, mango contains protein E and antigen substances combined, there will be a series of allergic reactions, should try to eat less.
3, mango is not conducive to the health of the kidney, people suffering from kidney disease should eat mango. Even if normal, do not recommend a lot of food. Mango in the sugar, crude fiber, protein, eat more to cause bloating.
Mango eat more will get angry?
Mango eat more will get angry, because they are higher sugar content, and bad decomposition, but you can take vitamin B to conditioning.
This is not because the mango itself will be lit, but because of high sugar content, if a large number of sugar is not timely decomposition, it will lead to lit.
Of course, according to the different people to do the physical adjustment, because each person's absorption capacity of sugar is different, all kinds of circumstances vary from person to person.
Mango eat more will cause kidney disease?
Mango eat more and will not cause kidney disease.
However, if you suffer from kidney disease, you should eat mango. The cause of kidney disease is kidney damage, the body of a large number of metabolites, endocrine hormones can not be excreted, and ultimately cause excessive accumulation of toxins in the body, and ultimately the accumulation of long-term accumulation of toxins in the body.
Kidney disease patients to limit the intake of protein, and mango contains a lot of protein, eat too much mango can cause kidney burden, increase kidney disease, so these people are not suitable for eating mango.
So eat mango will not cause kidney disease, but will lead to increased kidney disease!

Eat mango taboo
One, immature mango can not eat. Severe cases can also lead to loss of language skills (good terror has wood?), This is because the mango contains some kind of secretory substances, the throat has a very strong stimulus.
Second, not with spicy food with food. Mango and spicy food (such as garlic, etc.) with food, it will lead to "yellowing disease", because mango and spicy food at the same time consumption, will lead to the weight of the liver, causing the face yellow, the liver is not healthy.



