Pumpkin's nutritional value, how much do you know?

1. detoxification
Containing vitamins and pectin, pectin has a good adsorption, can bond and eliminate the body of bacterial toxins and other harmful substances, such as heavy metals in the lead, mercury and radioactive elements, can play a detoxification effect;

2. Protect the gastric mucosa to help digestion:
Pumpkin pectin can also protect the gastric mucosa mucosa, from rough food stimulation, promote ulcer healing, suitable for patients with stomach disease. Pumpkin contains ingredients can promote bile secretion, strengthen gastrointestinal motility, to help food digestion;

3. Prevention and treatment of diabetes, lower blood sugar:
Pumpkin is rich in cobalt, cobalt can activate the body's metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, and participate in the body of vitamin B12 synthesis, is the human body islet cells necessary trace elements, the prevention and treatment of diabetes, lower blood sugar has a special effect;

4. Elimination of carcinogens:
Pumpkin can eliminate the mutant effect of carcinogenic nitrosamines, anti-cancer effect, and can help liver and kidney function recovery, enhance liver and kidney cell regeneration;

5. To promote growth and development:
Pumpkin is rich in zinc, involved in the human body nucleic acid, protein synthesis, is the inherent component of adrenal cortex hormones for human growth and development of important substances.

6. Prevention and treatment of pregnancy edema and hypertension:
Pumpkin fruit and nutrient nutrition is extremely rich. Pregnant women eat pumpkin fruit, not only can promote the fetal brain cell development, enhance its vitality, but also prevention and treatment of pregnancy edema, hypertension and other complications during pregnancy, promote blood clotting and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Take pumpkin 500 grams, 60 grams of rice, boiled pumpkin porridge, can promote liver and kidney cell regeneration, while the recovery of early pregnancy to restore appetite and physical strength to promote the role.



