Why Does Proteinuria Still Exist In IgA Nephropathy

Proteinuria is very commonly experienced for patients with IgA Nephropathy. Besides, they often suffer from relapse of IgA Nephropathy. How does this happen and what is the major treatment to deal with proteinuria with IgA Nephropathy?
Why patients with IgA Nephropathy have protein in urine?

IgA Nephropathy occurs when IgA proteins which is used to fight against infections from outside build up in blood. When too much IgA proteins build up in your blood, blood circulation would be affected by the accumulation of immune complexes. As a result, kidney cells and tissues are damaged gradually by the deposition of immune complexes. Therefore, the kidneys are less able to fulfill its function properly. The kidneys are unable to keep useful substances, such as red blood cells and proteins keep in blood and can not excrete these wastes products out of body. Besides, lots of IgA proteins build up in the kidneys, damaging intercapillary cells and epithelial Cells. As a result, the epithelial cell is damaged, making you experience proteinuria. Do you still have doubt about why IgA Nephropathy patients have protein in urine.

Proteinuria And Hematuria In IgA Nephropathy Is Reduced In Our Hospital

While, how can I prevent proteinuria with IgA Nephropathy?

Generally, steroids treatment is commonly experienced for patients to prevent protein from leaking into urine. However, although steroids can control proteinuria temporarily, it makes patient’s kidney function in the long run. Besides, patients also experience much more serious proteinuria, because the diseased cells and tissues still right there.

Immunotherapy for Foamy Urine In IgA Nephropathy

In China, in order to help patients deal with kidney disease and avoid steroids treatment, many renal experts work together for a longer term and then develop a natural treatment named as Immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection. By taking this treatment, sufficient nutrition and enough blood and oxygen also can be provided to repair the diseased cells and tissues, so as to recover their function. As long as the diseased kidney is recovered, proteinuria would be relived naturally and gradually and you do not suffer from the relapse of proteinuria.



