Nephritis eight diet taboo nephritis diet principle

Kidney is the body's most important organ, and nephritis is a more serious disease, get nephritis body metabolism problems, serious impact on patient's health and life. If you suffer from this disease to be actively treated, in the treatment of diet should also be strictly controlled. So what are the taboo of nephritis diet? Here's an expert for us to explain one by one.

1, should not eat eggs.
Because during the onset of renal function and metabolism were significantly decreased, decreased urine output, the body of some toxins can not be excreted. At this point if you eat eggs, will inevitably increase the egg metabolite - urea, so that there will be more accumulation of urea in the body, so that the disease worsened.

2, do not eat bananas.
Banana sodium and more, patients with chronic nephritis edema, hypertension must limit the intake of sodium. Often eat bananas, is equivalent to intake of a large amount of sodium, the kidney burden, edema, high blood pressure and other symptoms also aggravate, dyspepsia and diarrhea patients eat will make the disease worse.

3, avoid eating easter eggs.
Although it tastes not salty, its sodium content is not low, it does not matter if it is eaten occasionally. Long-term consumption will increase the body's sodium content is not conducive to physical recovery. Chronic nephritis patients are not suitable for eating easter eggs.

4, fasting salt content of food.
Such as soy sauce, MSG, tomato sauce, tea sauce, black vinegar, miso and so on.

5, fasting pickled food.
Such as all kinds of pickles. At the same time, try to eat MSG.

6, eat irritating food.
Irritating ingredients of food and all kinds of spicy condiments, all kinds of spices and vegetables containing more volatile oil, the body's metabolic processes, spicy ingredients to be excreted through the kidneys, these spicy ingredients on the different levels of renal parenchymal stimulation, will be severe Affects kidney function. Such as onions, garlic, ginger, pepper, fennel, pepper wine and other food.

7, eat too cold food.
Because of the cold food will damage the spleen and yang and kidney yang, leading to cold from the endogenous, worsen the condition of Yang; overheating of food can lead to excessive heat Huo Sheng, or Yin Yin Yin, aggravate the condition of Yin deficiency.

8, fasting phosphorus food.
Phosphorus containing foods can control serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen rise, patients should eat less. Fasting such as: egg yolk, eggs, brain and so on.

Nephritis patients follow the principle of diet

1, low-salt diet
The standard for low-salt diets is daily intake of less than 3 grams of salt. For patients with significant edema or elevated blood pressure, sodium and water intake should be even more limited. Water and sodium intake of patients with edema intake should be based on the degree of edema, how much urine output, changes in body weight per day, serum sodium levels, blood pressure, heart and lung function by the doctor to develop.

At the same time, patients with renal insufficiency should pay attention to low-phosphorus diet, eat less meat, aquatic products, animal offal, sesame, peanuts, walnuts, honey, egg yolks, all kinds of nuts and other high-phosphorus foods.

2, low animal fat diet
Patients with kidney disease should eat more vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish oil, especially in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Because patients with nephrotic syndrome often accompanied by hyperlipidemia, long-term hyperlipidemia can cause atherosclerosis. Therefore, to be cautious of lard, tendons, fat and other foods rich in animal fat, so as not to aggravate hyperlipidemia, accelerate the process of glomerular sclerosis.

3, high-quality low-protein diet
Under the premise of high calorie, normal daily intake of protein per kilogram of body weight of 1.0-1.2 grams, 0.6-0.8 grams of renal insufficiency. Protein intake should be based on high quality protein rich in essential amino acids, such as fish, shrimp, eggs, lean meat, milk, accounting for more than 50%. Eat as little food rich in plant protein as possible.

4, high-fiber diet
Common high-fiber foods are: cereals: barley, oats, buckwheat, sorghum, brown rice, wheat bran, barley, etc .; vegetables: bamboo shoots the highest carrots green beans cowpea bean sprouts leek garlic seedlings daylily toon cabbage , Cauliflower, celery, scallion, lettuce, peppers, etc .; fruits: dragon fruit, papaya, hawthorn, olives and so on.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



