These four eating habits are very damaging to the kidney

As the saying goes, from the mouth, that is, we usually some bad eating habits or diet inadvertently lead to physical health problems. Now more and more food is available for us to choose from, but we should take a good diet and pursue a healthy diet. The following unhealthy eating habits, people are still working to quickly correct:

First, preference for heavy taste
Some people prefer a particular taste, such as salty, sweet, etc., which is a very bad diet. In particular, very salty to eat, can lead to increased sodium ions in the body, the risk of suffering from high blood pressure over time, but also excreted by the kidneys, but also increase the burden on the kidneys. Long-term high blood pressure can also cause kidney damage.

Second, eat very greasy
Friends who prefer to eat meat to pay attention to, in addition to normal consumption of pork, as well as pigskin, lard, fat, chicken skin, butter and other foods containing fat is also very high, but also rich in saturated fatty acids, leading to elevated blood lipids , Weight gain, is not conducive to the protection of the kidneys.

The other is fried foods, such as chips and other puffed foods, fat is also very high. Should eat less as well.

The four diet is very hurt the kidneys, be careful of kidney disease struck! There are so many people doing this

Third, the long-term excessive consumption of red meat, processed meat We first figure out what is red meat?

Red meat is a four-legged animal meat, such as pork, beef, lamb. Long-term consumption of red meat meat, which will increase the incidence of chronic kidney disease.

In addition to red meat, one leg of fish, two legs of chicken, duck, goose.

One day can not be too much, not more than a slap size.

Common processed meat with bacon, sausage, ham, lunch meat, hot dogs, etc., eat will also hurt the kidneys.

Do not want to gun how to do?

Very simple, eat less or eat processed meat, mainly fresh meat.

Fourth, love to drink, do not like to drink water
Some time ago news reports ten-year-old children because of long-term and drinks, do not drink water, leading to blood sugar burst tables. The kidney will generate the original urine every day to excrete excess toxins in the body, if only drink not only can not help detoxification, additives in beverages will increase the body of toxins. Less water will increase the burden on the kidneys, is not conducive to the discharge of toxins.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



