Chinese medicine tips the best time to sleep

World Health Organization survey shows: global one-third of human sleep disorders. While the Chinese people's sleep quality is lower than the world level. As for Hong Kong, there are survey statistics, more than 80% of the working people suffer from insomnia. Some scholars and researchers pointed out: good sleep is beneficial to prevent lifestyle habits. Modern people often stay up late lead to biological clock disorders, and further lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and other diseases. Chinese experts tell you that more than two thousand years ago the ancients have created a time medicine - radial flow notes, to the world the best time to sleep.

■ "child" (11 pm to 1 am):
The most important starting point for sleep time.

"Yellow Emperor": where the eleven dirty are taken from the gallbladder
Every day when the "child" is the most gall bladder when the time, this time lying quietly ready to go to bed, the most helpful to health. If this time do not sleep, long time gallbladder is easy to go wrong, there will be "mouth bitter, easy to sigh, chest pain, lack of luster (lazy weariness), dry skin" and so on, so often girls said to "sleep Beauty "is really justified. Moreover, the role of gall bladder will also affect a person's judgment, memory, so early sleep can often keep the memory and thoughts clear.

Face static, no longer crackling live!
■ "Yin Shi" (3 am to 5 am):
Sleep can make up the lungs.
"Su asked ─ ─ Ling Lan secret theory": lungs, according to legend of the official, rule out of Yan.
This time the lungs by the value of the operation, the lung is a very important regulation between the organs of the pipeline, such as the transfer officer in general, regulate the body breathing. If the lungs do not sleep well, this period will be relatively light sleep, under the vicious cycle, because the lung is not healthy and we affect the airway and work of the courage. Of course, if the lungs are not good, naturally easy to have breathing diseases, this time if the sleep is good, the next day up the color will be better! We should stay up all night to dawn experience, recall is not this time not Sleep, it seems difficult to make up the next day?

■ "when the hour" (5 am to 7 am):
Large intestine exuberant, used to get up after the best defecation.
"Su asked ─ ─ Ling Lan secret theory": large intestine, conduction of the official, change out of Yan.
Constipation is the source of all diseases, often a lot of people have constipation problems, and even accumulated more than two weeks can not smooth defecation, according to X-ray even after the discovery of full belly ... ... the body accumulated too much harmful substances, it is easy to affect health, It is recommended to get up after the habit of drinking a cup of warm water, and then to squat toilet, develop habits after the body will have a smooth pipeline.

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