Drink water against heat stroke! Teach you how to drink the water the most healthy

Water is the source of life, 70% of the body is composed of water. Because of the presence of water, nutrition can be transported, food can be digested, waste can be excreted, body fluids can be recycled, the body of the various functions in the water to help smooth operation.

Once dehydrated, it will cause constipation, dry skin, hunger, dizziness and other diseases. To ensure normal physiological metabolism, a person must drink the right amount of water every day.

Drinking water varies depending on body weight
Want to prevent heat stroke, drink water is very important, each person different weight, the need for moisture is not the same, it is generally recommended that a person per kilogram of body weight about 30 ml to 45 ml of water, but because the summer is too hot, 40 ml to 45 ml, will be enough.

Assuming a person weighing 50 kg, multiplied by 40 ml, on behalf of this person a day to drink at least 2000 ml, or 2 liters of water. If it is multiplied by 45 ml, we can calculate their own, this is the body every day the required water.

Drink water against heat stroke! Teach you how to drink the water the most healthy
Drinking water is the key to prevent heat stroke
Not only the amount of water, drinking water is also very important time, the right time to drink water in order to really help prevent heat stroke. If you drink 500 ml once, it may be so easy to prevent heat stroke. Want to prevent heat stroke, the body must have sustained, stable water content. It is recommended to drink the water a day to 200 ml to 300 ml units, every 2 to 3 hours graded, slowly drink, the body will be enough water content.

Thirsty also have to drink water
Sometimes as long as a noon outside, no water before and after going out, it may heat stroke. So in addition to a small number of times to add water, thirsty, before going out, home, but also to add water, go out during the period, but also remember to add water in time, so as to prevent heat stroke.

The Hong Kong Department of Health (DH) has conducted a survey, with 1/3 adults drinking less than 6 cups a day. Office workers work busy, often half a day also attend to drink a saliva. The United States "water health" website pointed out that when people feel thirsty, the body has lost at least 1% of the water. Therefore, the office workers should be a good habit of drinking water and urine, drink water once every 1 hour, every 2-3 hours urination once.

Tips: easy to sour eyes can be used chrysanthemum, wolfberry soaked in water to drink
When the office workers are very dry eyes, you can use chrysanthemum, wolfberry tea drink, if there is constipation, you can also add Cassia tea. If you need to drink 2 liters of water a day, it is recommended that half of the best boiled water, so healthy.
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