Potassium is the metabolism of nerve and muscle metabolism of minerals, the normal level of serum potassium to maintain the normal heart beating, potassium too much or too little will make the arrhythmia or even stop. In addition, potassium is to maintain body fluids, electrolytes and acid and alkali balance of the necessary conditions. Concentration of potassium in the body to be maintained between 3.5-5.5mmol / L, too high or too low are very dangerous. Dialysis diet guidance in particular emphasis on renal failure in the life of kidney friends to control the intake of potassium.

Hypokalemia can cause muscle weakness, cramps, fatigue, insanity, muscle movement is not coordinated, heartbeat irregular, heart failure and so on. Since most foods contain potassium, people who follow a balanced diet do not have hypokalemia. But because of low appetite food intake, severe vomiting, diarrhea or taking certain drugs may cause hypokalemia.

Hyperkalemia can cause nausea, weakness, numbness, tingling, slow pulse, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, sudden death and so on. Healthy kidneys can exclude excess balance in blood, but after kidney failure, the kidneys can not maintain the balance of potassium in the blood. Hyperkalemia will occur in all stages of chronic kidney disease, the fifth phase of chronic kidney disease kidney couples need to dialysis to regulate serum potassium levels. In the two dialysis treatment interval serum potassium concentration will rise, this time must be limited from the diet of high potassium foods, that is, follow the dialysis diet guidance, keep the serum potassium concentration will not be too high. Urine excretion at least 1000ml / day of the kidney friends usually do not occur hyperkalemia, or even need to limit the potassium in food Peritoneal dialysis kidney friends in most cases do not need to limit the intake of potassium.

The following are some of the dialysis dietary guidance often mentioned in the high potassium content and low potassium content of food.
High potassium content of food: celery stems, lettuce, celery, kelp, melon, tomatoes, bitter gourd, sugar beet leaves, chicory, spinach, cabbage, round pepper and so on.
Low potassium content of food: winter bamboo shoots, chestnuts, horse teeth, burdock leaves, wild leaven, wild amaranth, capillaris, broccoli, grass head, fresh mushrooms, vegetables, red mushrooms, celery, moss, mushrooms, Broccoli, cauliflower, cauliflower, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, garlic, garlic, carrots, carrots, carrots, bergamot, yam, lotus root, cabbage, cucumber, chive, mushroom, mushroom, seaweed, mushrooms and so on.